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Our latest album reviews, featuring the records we've most enjoyed (or not) over the past few weeks.

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Contagion Heuristic
Crucial Blast (2006)

I don't think I've ever heard an album come from this far out in left field and still come together flawlessly. The general consensus seems to be that you can either have a totally bizarre album or a catchy, cohesive album, but you can't have both. But Pittsburgh, PA's Microwaves is living proof that they don't have to be mutually exclusive. This band is obscure enough to impress all of your hip, indie friends, but at the same time, it's something you can actually sit down and listen to over and over. Microwaves has been called "no wave," but that doesn't seem to give a good idea of how they actually sound. The sound of Microwaves is a wacked-out whirlwind of skronky guitars (that sound like a more focused version of that one guy who did the Space Ghost: Coast to Coast theme music), synth-laden bass, and powerhouse drumming. When you take the delirious vocals into account, they sound to me like a less high-pitched version of Arab on Radar crossbred with the noisy, mathy freakouts of Daughters. This is complimented by a nice, lo-fi production. What really propels the songs is the happily noisy bass, played through all sorts … Read more

Greg Graffin

Cold as the Clay
Anti (2006)

Nearly a decade ago Bad Religion's Greg Graffin released his first solo effort, the miscellaneous American Lesion (miscellaneous because you … Read more


How to Survive In/In the Woods
Release the Bats (2006)

How to Survive In/In the Woods isn't the easiest CD to review, because to put it bluntly, it's not the … Read more

Brand New

The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me
Interscope (2006)

Reviewing albums isn't an especially technical task. Anyone can do it. But, when you are piecing together your thoughts for … Read more


Music for Moviebikers
Ipecac (2006)

There are few artists from the last few years that I have enjoyed more than John Erik Kaada. Woefully under-informed … Read more

Crime in Choir

Trumpery Metier
GSL (2006)

Remember the days when you and your buddies would get together in your mom's basement to play Dungeons & Dragons? … Read more

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Robin Finck and the Wordclock

NOCT Original Soundtrack
Laced Records (2015)

A studio and touring musician with Nine Inch Nails since the mid '90s and part of the whole Chinese Democracy saga for Guns 'n' Roses, guitarist Robin Finck has clearly learned a few tricks from NiN mastermind Trent Reznor over the years. Capable of working in almost any field he became involved in, Reznor went beyond his NiN recordings to craft the dark soundscapes for the 1996 video game Quake, and eventually made a successful transition into being an Oscar-winning film composer following 2008's ambient music juggernaut Ghosts I-IV. Finck seems to have taken notice of how all this was done – his soundtrack for the survival horror video game NOCT (made in collaboration with Portuguese artist Wordclock and released in 2015) fits nicely alongside Reznor's intricate, texturally-fascinating brand of … Read more

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Brother, Sister
Tooth & Nail (2006)

Is every member of mewithoutYou of the Christian faith? Beats me. I know that the lyrics portray the group as a Christian band, but said term manifests nothing of the actual music. So what does Christian music sound like? Jesus harmoniously praying to his Father? Dead Poetic? Christmas carols? Fuck, man. I don't know. mewithoutYou's music has always attracted me … Read more

Shook Ones

Facetious Folly Feat
Revelation (2006)

2006 has seen the release of plenty of outstanding records from melodic hardcore bands, and as the year is coming to a close you might think the best of the best have already graced us with their presence. If so, then think again. Shook Ones' Facetious Folly Feat has defied all expectations and lands at the top of the heap … Read more

Up and at Them

Independent (2006)

Up and at Them are four kids playing hardcore music. No frills, no fashion, no hideous lyrics about suicide or emotions. Just straight-up hardcore; it recalls Sick of it All and Comeback Kid and is delivered with a distinct lack of irony that is strongly welcome in a music world where "irony" is so often used to excuse poor musicianship … Read more

Tom Waits

Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards
Anti (2006)

What are your criteria for a good album, a good record, a good song even? For me, the criteria are many; but there is one that really separates the great records from the good records and that is the ability of a piece of music to elicit a significant emotional response. That tiny requirement means a world of difference. It … Read more

Tom Waits

Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards
Anti (2006)

I'm not going to lie to you. This review isn't going to be unbiased. It isn't going to be impartial. It isn't going to be neutral in any way, shape, or form in the way that all good reviews are supposed to be. I'm a big Tom Waits fan; so much so that in 1999, I spent over a thousand … Read more


Amongst the Flock
Bridge Nine (2006)

During the late 90's there occurred a revival of the youth crew sound that had dominated the hardcore scene during the mid-80's up through the early 90's. Today, we are witnessing what I consider to be a revival of the mid-90's metallic hardcore scene. A significant number of bands are stating influence from the likes of Earth Crisis, Integrity, Undertow, … Read more

Foo Fighters

Skin and Bones
RCA (2006)

Though I can't speak for my colleagues, I find it isn't unusual for an album to be given a great review or a poor review, only to find that a few months or a year down the road, my thoughts have changed about said album, and I find myself wishing I had reviewed it differently. So when I gave the … Read more

The Cheats

Life's Short...
Da' Core (2006)

When bands attempt to emulate the punk rock sounds of the late seventies, there are a couple elevators to enter. The first elevator travels in the direction of older bands at a trajectory so similar to them, it's scary. Scary good. If the newer band had released their songs in the past, they would be remembered alongside bands like The … Read more

American Heritage

Translation Loss (2006)

I want to say, before I get to my actual review, that I give out a lot of high scores in my reviews because I would much rather write about a record that makes me stoked to listen to music than something that I hate after one song. And American Heritage is a band that I am constantly stoked about. … Read more

Roddy Woomble

My Secret is My Silence
Pure (2006)

In 2005, following Warnings / Promises, Idlewild finally decided that they were a rock band all along and that the folk edges that had been working their way in since The Remote Part were just a side track to their rock band credentials. The result of this epiphany was that there was room for Idlewild to do both a rock … Read more


I Wouldn't Trade That for Anything
Iron Pier (2006)

I know many of you out there don't remember the grunge explosion of the early to middle 90's. After Nirvana's "sudden" success, major labels swooped down on the rain drenched city of Seattle and signed everyone from Soundgarden to Seaweed in hope that maybe their label would find another alternative rock goldmine to strip for all its worth. Well, for … Read more


The Looks
Last Gang (2006)

MSTRKRFT (Master Craft, for those of you who - like me - didn't catch on right away) is the brainchild of Death from Above 1979 bassist Jesse F. Keeler and producer Al-P. An electronic two-piece in the same vein as veterans Daft Punk and relative newcomers Hot Chip, the pair first made their name by flexing their mixing muscles on … Read more

Jeremy Enigk

World Waits
Lewis Hollow (2006)

If you're not familiar with the name Jeremy Enigk, I have only one conclusion: you've been living under a rock for quite some time. Enigk is best known as the frontman for Sunny Day Real Estate - a band whose reputation should precede themselves - and The Fire Theft - an offshoot project of Sunny Day Real Estate. In addition … Read more

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly

The Chronicles of a Bohemian Teenager
Atlantic (2006)

Raise your hands if you've ever spent time as a teenager, on the brink of stepping out into the world at large, uncertain of what awaits you. Keep those hands up if you've ever questioned your place in that world, not just on a personal level, but if you've ever wondered what you can do to affect what's around you. … Read more

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