The mysterious figure of Father Murphy appeared as a spectre in the early '00s. Formed by, as the band claims, its children Freddie Murphy and Chiara Lee, the Italy based band has created a mystique around their musical investigations. Through the years, the figure of Father Murphy has remained elusive. Through the different records and EPs various facades have been unveiled, with the band displaying a diverse array of influences. Garage and lo-fi beginnings have evolved into psychedelic rock haze. New wave progressions and post-punk sensibilities, along with the no-wave avantgarde spirit have been explored. Even darkwave and techno have found their place in the motifs of Father Murphy. After all this process of evolution, the band seems to have reached its end point signalling the demise of this mysterious figure. Rising sees the finale of the story for Father Murphy, and all the themes and ideas of the duo are called upon now that the end is reached. As an ouroboros however, Father Murphy sees the band revisiting their musical beginnings to close this story. The Catholic heritage that is apparent throughout their releases, with its themes of salvation, redemption and sacrifice, has also influenced Murphy and Lee on … Read more
When the Deal sisters re-assembled the lineup from their seminal Last Splash album for a 20th anniversary tour in 2014, … Read more
Kitten Forever are staples of the Twin Cities DIY scene. They also tour nationally and have received a good share … Read more
It was such a disappointment to see Neighborhood Brats go on hiatus in 2015. I really enjoyed all their output … Read more
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How do you rate bands, or maybe, how do you determine if you think a band is good or not; is it their longevity or their subjective impact on music or how their music speaks to you on emotional level, or does their live show or how they play live help make your ultimate decision? For my part, these questions or potentially qualifying statements are not always made as there are times that musicians and bands that satisfy one or two that get me completely obsessed with what they do; Swans came at me like a freight train through the studio albums that they left in their monstrous wake (finding the band after their initial breakup was so disappointing), but their live albums never affected me much nor did I … Read more
LA’s Cheap Tissue bill themselves as rough around the edges garage punk, namedropping melodic yet understated groups like Radioactivity. While the general sound isn’t too far off the mark, the band’s take on high energy garage-fueled punk is more brash and spit-shined, showing more in common with acts like The Hives and New York Dolls. There’s more flash and posturing … Read more
When I first saw High Priests 3 or 4 years ago, I would have labeled them as stoner punk. While their press photos certainly still hit on that imagery, I’m not so sure that Spinning matches that descriptor in any sense. As for additional semi-relevant background info, the band has some recognizable faces from the punk scene: members and ex-members … Read more
I’ll start with a request for the reader: think about genres and how difficult it truly is to define music. It’s hard to hold in your head. Take metal for example. It is obvious that Black Sabbath is metal and so is Isis, despite how different they are. It isn’t as obvious how one turned into the other gradually. The … Read more
Jack White has always been his own man. With The White Stripes, he cultivated a strong persona - turning blues guitar on its side and reworking what would normally be tired rehashed riffs and making them into something new and shiny for impressionable young ears.His first two solo albums, Blunderbuss and Lazaretto continued this tradition, giving the millennials a fresh … Read more
After seven patient years Starkweather releases their third split Divided by Zero with Portugal’s Concealment. The two-song split cements itself with every listen as masterful. Like a vitamin, it’s not to be consumed on an empty stomach, or listened to with impatience. But brevity being the byproduct of vigor, and in summing up an emotionally exhausting 49 minutes of listening … Read more
Shame seems to have captured some buzz. They’ve had several clips in big UK publications and their debut was issued on Dead Oceans here in the States. The band plays forceful and somewhat haunting punk that’s brutal and harsh, but with heart and authentic emotion that seeps throughout the tough-on-the-surface songs. Sure the band screams out descriptive lyrics like “bathe … Read more
It's easy to be complacent with side projects. At worst, they're self indulgent jam sessions repackaged and sold to indifferent masses. At best, they tend to be self indulgent jam sessions repackaged and sold to the accumulative fanbase of assembled band members.Where it seems to differ with the side projects of Mastodon band members, is they really seem to be … Read more
If you think this band has something to do with Sun-0)))))))))))))))))))) or Deafheaven (even after looking at the artwork), please look on! You will not find anything of your liking here. And I'm grateful for that! Seven tracks (five if you don't count the intro and outro) would have felt like an eternity to me if I had to sit … Read more
I thought it a safe bet to listen to any album off Neurot Recordings with care and patience, and expect something great. Amenra is no fragile exception. Their essence taps a well of meaning seemingly endless on all levels of analysis, as much as it taps a particular sound thrust forward first by Black Sabbath, and most recently by Neurosis. … Read more
With the daring first notes of a church organ, Paradise Lost primes its listeners for a quasi-sermon on the mount in Medusa. A part description of suffering, part omen for eventual destruction, part heroic call to arms in the face of meaninglessness, Medusa glorifies godless bravery and turns those who cower from responsibility to stone. The album is predicated on … Read more
I generally shy away from track-by-track reviews, because they get long, boring and kind of miss the point of an album as a whole anyway. That said, whenever I write about Ween and related projects, the disparity from song to song is a little more difficult. There are 11 songs on this 38-minute record and they range from classic rock … Read more
Shortly after releasing their debut full length I had the opportunity to have a chat with Barren Womb. They then told me they liked playing in a two-man band as it gave them the opportunity to work really fast. The decision making process is so much easier without a lot of different opinions around. These words seemed to be true … Read more
The world feels like it’s coming apart at the seams, some new scandal or piece of terrible news hits daily, or sometimes with even more frequency. It takes more effort to simply keep up than it does just to be able to digest the news. The result is mind numbing. Then you look to find respite from these things. There’s … Read more
Following on from Zen Summer in 2015 and 2013s Comfort Songs, Cloud’s Plays With Fire moves Tyler Taormina’s sound firmly into the assured category. Where his debut was weighed down with a little too much padding, Plays With Fire takes a somewhat sprightlier turn into sadness, reducing the runtime by thirty minutes yet still packing a hefty emotional punch. Taormina’s … Read more
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