So what are we to think of this "pure, unholy black metal from Israel"? Well for starters, taking into consideration their country of origin doesn't mean a whole lot. Whether you're from Israel, South Africa, New Zealand or Paraguay, if you're black metal, you'll probably still sound Norwegian. Originality, you see, isn't one of the tenets of the black. Everyone … Read more
Being the latest creative outfit of one Scott "Wino" Weinrich (formerly of The Obsessed, St. Vitus, Spirit Caravan, and more), people have a sound and musical quality that they have come to expect. The Hidden Hand has delivered much more thus far with Divine Propaganda and Mother, Teacher, Destroyer. With that fact in mind, the band drops Devoid of Color, … Read more
Let's be up front with this right off the bat. For all of Wino's - the guitarist and vocalist of the Hidden Hand - history in prominent bands like The Obsessed, St. Vitus, Spirit Caravan, etc, he is a workhorse musician who maintains a level of consistency that most bands and songwriters would kill to have. The Resurrection of Whiskey … Read more
Southern Lord have been on a roll this year – Martyrdöd, Wolfbrigade, Eagle Twin and Acephalix to name but a few - and the fourth full-length from Italian masters of all out noise, The Secret, is a worthy addition to a roster that is always expanding and never diluting. Agnus Dei is pure, unadulterated fury and the bile and venom … Read more
This four-piece crust/grind band hails from Trieste, Italy and formed in 2003. The Secret released their first record Luce on Goodfellow Records. After various line-up changes the band finally released their second record Disintoxication in 2008. Since then Goodfellow Records is no longer a functioning label. The Secret found a home in Southern Lord Recordings after an impressive demo was … Read more
What a seriously excellent release, regardless of its aural brevity, from Trap Them (whom are quickly becoming a stalwart outfit in the independent punk / hardcore / metal genres). Relentless touring, passion, and good records will do that for bands sometimes. Particularly if they do so in same furious manner this band has. Filth Rations, though, is different from other … Read more
Supergroups tend to be either spectacular successes or spectacular failures. Either the musicians work well together, or they don't. Creative differences, personal drama or overgrown egos can easily get in the way when we are dealing with already-established artists. Twilight is an American black metal supergroup I have had my eye on for some time, but I honestly expected to … Read more
God bless Southern Lord Records. For many years the label has been the last bastion for all things sludgey and doomish. But as some of the latest releases to come out of their gate prove, they're going back to the Black with a monster roster that sets a beautifully dark tone for the future of the label. Urgehal is one … Read more
As much as I like the “what if?” scenarios, at the same time I hate them. It is always nice to theorize about what could have happened if x has taken place instead of y. In the case of Warhorse that is a big “what if?” and at the same time an unavoidable one. The band from Massachusetts started off … Read more
When a band's name makes reference to sinful pleasures, especially of the herbal nature, it's a sign their sound will be akin to Black Sabbath; the emphasis on slow riffing that sounds even heavier due to down-tuned instruments. Weedeater is a perfect example, taking the suggestive themes of drug abuse and sacrilege made famous by Sabbath to new heights but … Read more
What is more difficult to believe? That Wino is releasing his first solo album in his music career or that his music career is as long and solid as it has been? A pillar of consistency with stints in the Obsessed, St. Vitus, Spirit Caravan, The Hidden Hand, and the coming soon Shrinebuilder (along with members of Neurosis, The Melvins, … Read more
Sweden’s Wolfbrigade have been around in one guise or another (formerly Wolfpack) since 1995 – the changing lineup finally unleashing a new full length with Damned, their first in four long years. Seen as pioneers of the Swedish crust/d-beat scene, Wolfbrigade play an unrelenting form of metal tinged hardcore-esque punk that never seems to stop, leaving you quite breathless. Somehow … Read more
Taking black metal by storm, or maybe pushing black metal out of the basements and into the conscious of many whom have ignored the genre thus far, Wolves in the Throne Room give the listening world their third full-length album, Black Cascade, as further evidence of their genre label being too constrictive. Wolves in the Throne Room seem to subscribe … Read more
Each song of the Malevolent Grain EP, "A Looming Resonance" and "Hate Crystal," comprises one side of an exquisitely packaged 12". Both songs are top-notch examples of the more hypnotic and earthy side of black metal. "A Looming Resonance" builds from a somber clean melody to some kind of operatic, backwoods hymn to the forces of nature. "Hate Crystal," however, … Read more
The terms "stripped-down," "raw," and "black metal" are certainly no strangers to each other. Musically speaking, some of the best known bands and albums feature less-than-lackluster production and songwriting, a standard set by older bands such as Darkthrone and Burzum, even if unintentionally. Visually and characteristically though, most black metal bands are infamous for being over-the-top, what with all the … Read more
Southern California's Xibalba is back with a new LP titled Años En Infierno. The title of their third studio album translates to "years in hell," and it is a loathsome pillar, raised in tribute to the pain of living in a world populated by misery and ruin. Somehow the band's sulfurous combination of doom and death metal and hardcore from … Read more
It would be impossible to have missed the mark Xibalba have left on the hardcore scene thus far. The band has toured incessantly and released a small handfull of recordings in the past few years. A389 took notice last year and released a discography LP and shortly after Southern Lord took notice and staked a claim upon the band's follow … Read more
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