Opening with a sound not unlike some kind of spaghetti western death knell, Hex: Or Printing in the Infernal Method, the comeback album of noise mongers Earth, shocks the old time listeners of the band. Anyone who has heard Earth 2 or Sunn Amps and Smashed Guitars will tell you that. But, the mastermind behind Earth, Dylan Carlson, is known … Read more
It is not often that a band is willing to revisit prior recorded works in a new musical style. With Hibernaculum, the lauded Earth do just that. However, they do more than just rehash old material. Dylan Carlson and company instead breathe new life into the songs and gives listeners, fans, and interested parties a striking bridge between the "louder," … Read more
In a career lasting some two and a half decades at this point, Earth has gained near-legendary status and plenty of critical acclaim for making expansive drone masterpieces. Over the years though, the band has mellowed out a bit: by the time The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull came along in 2008, the group had incorporated melodic elements … Read more
Luckily for fans of Earth, Dylan Carlson and company are very productive of late with Hex: Or Printing in the Infernal Method, Hibernaculum, and a host of smaller releases all being released within the last three or so years. This is a tremendous increase in recorded activity for the band considering how long they have been active. The Bees Made … Read more
Being a memento type release to commemorate the tour that these two parties undertook in the early part of 2008, I am surprised to see and hear that the music - at least the Earth song - is exclusive to this release. This makes collector nerds like myself get fussy (and a little bit lighter in the wallet) as they … Read more
Total Funeral is the entire anthology-to-date of Electric Funeral, the one-man Swedish raw punk hobbyhorse manned by Jocke D-Takt. And holy crap is it ever unnecessary. We’re talking about 53 songs that, to the untrained ear, are nearly indistinguishable from one another. Southern Lord, as is their wont, reached into their deep-ish pockets to compile material from yet another act … Read more
Enabler managed to make some big noise for themselves very quickly. after 2 eps and numerous splits the band got snatched up by the newly crust leaning Southern Lord. The question is after making such a big splash with these eps could the band manage to make nearly as big of a splash in the full length medium? The band … Read more
Formed in Nashville, Tennessee during the mid-‘90s American crust punk swell, From Ashes Rise later relocated to their current base in Portland, Oregon, where alongside fellow scene forerunners His Hero Is Gone, Tragedy and Hellshock, they helped cast the prototype for modern-day “epic crust punk”—a big sound that, while still rooted in anarcho-minded lyricism, apocalyptic imagery and D-beat, displays a … Read more
See: Obscurus Advocam Just kidding. But let's face it. They are pretty interchangeable, no? Both bands are the vision of French musician Infestuus. Both bands are all just too melodic. Now, call me old-fashioned but melody has no place in black metal. Bleak, sure. Twisted? Frightening? Suffocating? These are all bad adjectives for relationships, yet all good adjectives for heavy … Read more
There are at least two bands named Hessian. As such, one of them is supposed to be referred to as Hessian A.D. I refuse to play that game. If movie sequels can be released with nothing more than an indefinite article added to the title, we can have more than one Hessian. In any case, this is the one from … Read more
In 2004 we were treated to Carnage, the debut effort from this throwback thrash/metal outfit from Chicago. If you heard it, good. If not, well, let's just say that the band is highly influenced by the likes of Celtic Frost. Fake metal fans should be sure to Google that name before continuing. Here in 2005 we are awaiting the band's … Read more
It will take roughly 20-30 seconds of Carnage for you to come to the conclusion that it's no surprise that Lair of the Minotaur's debut ended up on Southern Lord Records. Oddly enough, this is actually a re-released effort, a vinyl version of the album that featured only six tracks. So it's quite a treat to have this version for … Read more
It is now five years into Lair of the Minotaur's existence and I think its safe to say that this band is not a gimmick or a novelty act in the least. Sure, their lyrics are based on Greek mythology and their sound harkens back to the 1980's, but Lair of the Minotaur is the real deal. This three-piece is … Read more
Swedish ragers Martyrdöd, along with Acephalix and fellow countrymen Wolfbrigade, are the latest to be chosen in the great Southern Lord crust roundup. Featuring former and current members of Skitsystem, Agrmonia and others, Martyrdöd have been unleashing their brand of blackened everything to the crust-consuming masses for over a decade now. Their latest offering Paranoia was recorded at Göteborg’s famed … Read more
Sweden’s Martyrdöd are whole heap of metallic vitriol interspersed with a frenetic melody and more spiky riffs than you can shake a stick at. Furious and without mercy, latest record Paranoia is a crust-laden festival of punk-infused spite. Blackened hardcore at it’s very finest, Martyrdöd are here to rip your world apart with their insanely tight package of darkness and … Read more
The only reason Metallica is supposedly used as a torture tactic in Guantanamo is because the C.I.A. doesn't know about Nails. I mean that to sound neither glib nor uncomplimentary - there's a cruel relentlessness to Nails that I and other fans of extreme music will most certainly appreciate, but, and I'll avoid the arrogant use of the term understanding … Read more
Power Power of Power of Neon Power of Christ Power of Neon Christ Compels You! I cast you out! Your mother darns socks in Hell! Your mother is here. Would you like to leave a message? I’ll see that she gets it! I adorn my Crucifix on my horsehair and lath wall and point the saviors head north but inevitably … Read more
A while back I caught Oiltanker in the midst of the second day of Midwest Hell Fest—a one-off weekend crust punk festival that was happening in, of all places, a sports bar in Kimberly, Wisconsin. I was thoroughly enthralled by the outpouring of anger emanating from the stage while they were up there, yet I was simultaneously battling the inevitable … Read more
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