They’re calling Vial indie-punk on the press releases I’m seeing. That’s probably as fair a description as any, as the DIY punk band covers a lot of sonic ground. What’s impressive is that on burnout, their second record, that varied sound all feels unified. The 10 songs here go from indie rock to angry punk to grungy to bouncy but, … Read more
Poppy punk from Florida, Vicious Dreams is a dual vocal trio who recently released Turn Off My Brain. This record follows the tried and true garage to rock to punk evolution of 4/4 songs with catchy choruses. What makes the group stand out is the way the two vocalists split duties and songwriting. It’s very clear when the songwriter changes, … Read more
Somehow I never reviewed Viva Belgrado before, even though I have followed them since their debut album Flores, Carne. Somehow I was always a bit late to the show and thought: ok, this time I am too late, but next time I will catch this release on time! Well, the band just released their fourth full length and guess what? … Read more
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