Pre-album press releases for the latest Drakulas album pushed the “art-punk” label. Based on Drakulas’ earlier work, I got it – but I also thought it was a little bit off. They’ve always had elements of some deeper conceptual stuff going on, but it always felt too straight-forward and rollicking to me. Right or wrong, I associate art-punk as being … Read more
When it comes to thinking about "heavy" music, it's virtually impossible to not immediately think of titans of the genre Sleep and their epic 63 minute long Dopesmoker and the opening lines "Drop out of life, bong in hand/Follow the smoke toward the riff-filled land." On their self-titled second album for Kaotoxin Records, French sludge outfit Drawers shoot for a … Read more
Drawing Voices is easily one the most experimental and groundbreaking projects that I have come across in all my years of listening to and reviewing music. Mastermind Craig Dongoski with help of Aaron Turner of Isis/House of Low Culture has taken the art of drawing and writing and transformed it into an auditory experience. The two as Drawing Voices have … Read more
I first happened upon this group in June of last year, when the lead singer Chris made a thread on a message board I was frequenting about his band. The samples on the main page were outstanding. They were melodic, tinged with something I thought was reminiscent of eighties New Wave, when it was still the dark brooding poetry of … Read more
The Men has been one of the great acts of the past decade (at least.) The Brooklyn based group has been able to put together indie rock, punk, noise and post hardcore into a sick mix, incorporating along the ways elements of psychedelia, country music, surf rock and Americana. What is even more impressive is that this band has been … Read more
A dramatic turn of events, indeed. Anyone who's been following the soap opera that has been Dream Theater's existence over the past year would believe that to be an understatement. It began with founding drummer Mike Portnoy's agreeing to work with Avenged Sevenfold after the sudden passing of their drummer, The Rev. Sometime afterwards, Portnoy (OSI, Liquid Tension Experiment, Neal … Read more
Some bands really know how to unite. Drei Affen is one of those bands. They make a sport out of uniting labels on their releases. No less than 17 labels came together to release their debut self-titled EP and 12 labels were involved with the split with Coma Regalia. With only four labels involved in the release of second EP … Read more
In keeping true to their word, the fabulous Atlanta band Drivin’ N’ Cryin’ has released their second EP in a series of four. Songs about Cars, Space and The Ramones is now out and this one has the band showcasing their punk/pop side. The band consists of Kevn Kinney (guitar), Tim Nielsen (bass), Sadler Vaden (guitar), and Dave V. Johnson … Read more
Drivin’ N Cryin’ formed in Atlanta back in 1985 have announced their plans to release four EPs over the next year. The first in the series showcases their Southern Rock style, each of the following EPs will focus on a different genre of the Drivin' N Cryin' sound. The EP Songs From The Laundromat opens with the gritty rocker “Dirty” … Read more
The new release from Drivin’ N Cryin’ is the third EP of an anticipated four, each dedicated to a different genre that has shaped the foundation of the band’s sound over the last 25 years or so. While the previous EPs have been stellar, this one is by far the best of the bunch. With each song drenched in psychedelia, … Read more
Playing rock and roll, and playing it well, isn’t easy these days. So much has been produced and rehashed of the genre, its best days having existed mostly in the 60’s and 70’s. Don’t get me wrong; rock and roll is still very much alive. It’s the distinction between the plethora of bands playing for an audience of head scratchers, … Read more
I'll admit, when I first heard of Drowningman back in the day, I had a whole lot of preconceived notions. It was in a magazine, Revolver or Tiger Beat, that featured an interview. After looking at the photo, I was ready to dismiss them as Warped Tour rejects that play the excruciatingly banal bullshit that I'd come to expect from … Read more
Druglord from Virginia are taking a slow, lurching crawl into this world. With this, their first proper LP, the three-piece make a case for less being more in many ways. The 6-song record resides on the cough syrup addled side of the metal/hardcore spectrum, relying on drawn out vocals and lengthy guitar passages. This is as good a place as … Read more
I like to consider myself pretty versed in rock - I listen to a lot of stuff and a good amount of variety. But, every so often, I'll get something that I just can't categorize or explain well. That's not a bad thing at all. In fact, it's a pretty good accomplishment, as long as the wax is listenable. Drunkdriver … Read more
It has been nine years since their début album, The Infamous Four. That’s a long time. Long enough to call this a come-back, I would say. I assume the band thinks so too, calling this second album Return Of The Infamous Four. Even though it has been almost ten years the characters on the cover have not aged one bit. … Read more
In the year 2008, one might question the relevancy of reggae and dub on today's music. When you take a closer look at things, you'd be very surprised at the answer. Sure, artists like Bob Marley and The Clash aren't around anymore. But others still carry the torch that they brought forth to the mainstream. Tim Armstrong released a reggae-based … Read more
Ah the Dum Dum Girls… the Dum Dum Girls are in serious danger of transcending the shtick that the band is partially and maybe unfairly saddled with as the End Of Daze certainly shows pushing back at the boundaries of songwriter Dee Dee’s previous songs for the band without losing any of the charm or panache with which those other … Read more
The basic tenets of theology and philosophy concern discerning right from wrong, good from evil. There will never be any clear answer to this, but as humans we're going to keep guessing and muddling through. At least partly as a result of its ambiguous nature, morality will always be a topic that's ripe for exploration and dissection. This isn't the … Read more
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