A few days ago I found out that I had Bell's Palsy - the muscles that control the right side of my face are so weak I cannot smile with the right side of my mouth or close my right eye with ease. I will essentially be without the control of the right side of my face for weeks. The … Read more
Despite the abrasive nature of U.K. garage, Dizzee Rascal has performed the extraordinary task of achieving eminence in various circles of British music, from his immediate contemporaries in grime and hip-hop to the less approximate in metal and indie. The Arctic Monkeys have gotten in on some mutually reciprocal sampling, and Dizzee was an unexpected highlight of 2004's Carling Festival; … Read more
Universally regarded as one of the most important figures in the world of instrumental hip hop and turntablism after having gained massive recognition for 1995’s Entroducing....., DJ Shadow (a.k.a. Josh Davis) seems in recent years to have been operating more in the, well, shadows of an electronic music scene that’s increasingly been focused on the newest and shiniest acts. Released … Read more
Spending much of the time since 2002's ENDtroducing with his producing hat on, DJ Shadow has finally returned to our stereos with The Outsider. A return that sees him take a massive shift in style. Crass rapping styles, questionable lyrical content, and some gunshots filtering through the background adds just too much of a touch of Tim Westwood that is … Read more
Do Make Say Think have left their stamp on the post-rock scene, starting from their debut, self-titled album, released in 1998, to the excellent Other Truths in 2009. It was with Other Truths that the band decided to take a break, never officially breaking up, but rather the individual members taking some time to pursue different projects. Thankfully, this came … Read more
The word quintessence derives from the Latin “quintus” and the english “essence,” translated roughly to the fifth essence. The reason for the number appearing in this instance comes from medieval philosophy, where quintessence was considered to be the fifth addition to the four classical elements (earth, wind, fire and water,) one that exists in the heavenly bodies, and is inherent, … Read more
You ever get lost while driving in the woods at night? I grew up in Wisconsin and this happened to me often before I got a GPS. It will spook you good if you're not careful. The roads stretch into the night and disappear into the surrounding landscape. The roads become more narrow the longer you drive. Low hanging branches … Read more
It always takes a while for Dodheimsgard (DHG) to release a new album, but it is also always worth the wait. The experimental alchemists from Norway started off their career back in the mid ‘90s when the second wave of black metal bands was starting to come together. The core of the band back then with the release of their … Read more
After a couple of years of reviewing I’ve got a love-hate relation with genre definitions. I love ‘em because it makes my job so much easier. Just should a genre name and you, my dear reader, should have an idea about the sound of the record in question and if this review is worth your time. It makes my job … Read more
2017 saw the release of Dödsrits' self titled debut album. I was impressed by the quality that I discovered on that album. Had I found it earlier it would have made my yearlist, no doubt. It is also an album with staying value. I still come back to it on a regular basis. I could not be happier to hear … Read more
The first song on this album is named “Nirvana.” It’s a fitting nod to an obvious influence, though a Mudhoney reference might honestly be more apt. Going into this record, based solely on the lead single (“Nuff Said), I was expecting more of a brash, garage-punk sound with Dog Date. My first impressions weren’t totally off base, but add a … Read more
I have a soft spot for those noise punk and grindcore albums that blaze by in ten minutes or less. You know the kind. They're not something you listen to every day, but they are the perfect unrelenting catharsis on those days when you feel like the whole world is against you. Dohrn's self-titled debut is that kind of album. … Read more
Don't Trip is a hardcore band that hails from the Bay Area of California. Northern California has been a hotbed for hardcore bands in recent years, so it's a hard game to jump into. After a self-released demo last year, Don't Trip comes back with the ten-track Root of All Evil. Expanding on the style they performed on the demo, … Read more
Donnybrook take their namesake from a famous festival in Ireland that is notorious for its brawls. So taking that into account, it isn't a surprise that the California outfit plays a variation of tough-guy hardcore. However, on the band's debut full-length, Lions in this Game, Donnybrook attempt to break the stigma that there is nothing more to a tough-guy hardcore … Read more
Even though he took up the same moniker, all-caps not withstanding, it's unlikely anyone is going to mistake the artist formerly toting metal fingers for the legendary crust band. One decade after the landing of Operation Doomsday, Danielle Dumile re-emerges with a modified alter-ego, and perhaps a bruised original ego. The reinvention of MF Doom to DOOM comes after a … Read more
Throughout the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Nazgul have their own musical score. The music that was written for them is dark and operatic; when you hear it, you anticipate awful things to happen. And yet, I feel the choice that was made just wasn't dramatic enough so I took it upon myself to choose new music for … Read more
Doomriders debut effort Black Thunder launched the Boston-based outfit into action with their dark-themed hybrid of punk, metal, and hardcore. Since its release the band has kept busy with a slew of recordings surfacing. There was a live 7" EP released shortly after their debut, two split recordings - with Coliseum and Disfear respectively - spread out over the past … Read more
It’s not hard to find something to say about Doomtree. The 7-headed monster has enough disparate characters that I could fill the proverbial pages here without even addressing No Kings, their second official full-length. The band recently made some internet waves with the mash-up Wugazi project—which is where I’ll start since the opening track, “No Way,” begins with a guitar … Read more
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