Review type: Review

4859 total reviews — Page 60 of 270


Milk Man
Kill Rock Stars (2004)

Deerhoof, never one to rest on their laurels, is back in 2004 with Milk Man. Things seem to be the same as always as the public wonders, "Can Deerhoof really top Apple O'?" The same question was asked this time last year except it was Apple O' being questioned if it could live up to Reveille. The album's "concept" is … Read more


Kranky (2008)

Dear 1992, Wow. It's really been a long time. I bet you're kind of surprised I'm writing to you at all. We didn't really know each other when you were around. But I was pretty busy. I had that gig taping firecrackers to GI Joes and that other one where I kept buying six soft tacos, no cheese, at taco … Read more

Defeated Sanity

Passages Into Deformity
Willowtip (2013)

I feel the need to preface this review by declaring that I am a fan of death metal. I like the idea of any music that challenges the average listener and in the early 90’s, death metal bands were doing just that. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, Death, and Obituary were leading the charge to push heavy metal to its most … Read more


Top Shelf (2008)

Travels tells the story of a fictional man from birth to death and every heart broken life shattering event in between. So yes, this is a concept album and saying that it's a bit ambitious is a bit of a understatement when it comes to a hardcore band nevertheless them tackling a concept album with their first full-length. Yet here … Read more


Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds
Willowtip (2009)

I really hate bringing up the ex-members of thing when talking about records. No, seriously I do. Defeatist is the perfect example as to why. When doing research for this album I found a pedigree of underground metal. Members of Anodyne and Kalibas join forces to create a grindcore band indebted to early Napalm Death and Repulsion. To someone like … Read more

Defiance, Ohio

Midwestern Minutes
No Idea (2010)

Midwestern Minutes is the fourth full-length from Defiance, Ohio. The band has crafted a sound that draws from Americana and Plan-It-X-style DIY pop punk. The instrumentation of the six-piece adds to their distinction. While the members split songwriting and lead vocal duties, there is a communal feel as most of their songs end up with a group chorus leading the … Read more

Defiance, Ohio

The Fear, The Fear, The Fear
No Idea (2007)

Defiance, Ohio are somewhat of a punk rock abnormality, having released a slew of records in a short amount of time, yet still maintaining the same lineup and same ethics, even as their popularity continues to slowly but surely rise, despite the band insisting on as little promotion as possible. Rather, the band's constant touring and commitment to the DIY … Read more

Defiance, Ohio

The Great Depression
No Idea (2006)

In 2004, Defiance, Ohio released Share What Ya' Got. While I really enjoyed the record, I often found that the production quality was very weak and it definitely hampered the appeal of the record for many more potential fans. Two years later, the bands' latest effort and second full-length, The Great Depression, seems to have erased the slight complaints I … Read more

Defiance, Ohio / Environmental Youth Crunch

Dead Tank (2007)

This split basically had to happen. Environmental Youth Crunch loves the environment. Defiance, Ohio loves friendship and family. Both bands love punk rock and it's ideals. With this split 7", even if only for a brief time, they are able to crank out some great folk songs, as well as cover one of the greatest rock and roll songs ever. … Read more

Defiant Voice

I'd Rather Sleep in the Dirt
Lorelei (2006)

Both fellow Scene Point Blank scribes Michael and Zed said that I would be fully into this five piece hardcore ensemble from Sacramento, California. I even recall Michael saying something about Defiant Voice being full-on 90's styled hardcore. How could I possibly not want to review a band that produces some tunes from my favorite decade of hardcore? Moreover, how … Read more


The Stench of Redemption
Earache (2006)

My only beef is with God. I wake up every day, I curse Him every day, because there is only on person who's responsible for the life I fucking have and that's the bastard who created us. I fucking hate Him. - Glen Benton Oh Glen, you rapscallion, you. You're not fooling anyone with that inverted-cross branded on your forehead. … Read more


Kranky (2017)

To get a label's attention in this age is hard. Especially trying to do so through the traditional email approach. But for Demen, that method worked, and the folks over at Kranky were taken aback by the solo project of Irna Orm. Not much is known about Orm, other than she is behind the solo project Demen, and that she … Read more


Two (Poverty)
Metal Blade (2007)

These four hellraisers are, if not his new favorite band than, at least highly revered and recommended by Slayer's Kerry King, a bruiser who knows a few things about quality heavy music. Demiricous were accused of sounding a bit too much like Slayer on their debut, but since I unfortunately haven't heard it yet I can't say whether that's a … Read more


Miscarriage Of The Soul
Crucial Blast (2011)

This is another band that while maintaining some bleak footing in the black metal scene exists as a noise group. That is not to say there aren't obvious trademarks of black metal within the structures, however loosely built they are. This band plays on the darkness that many black metal bands try to play up and orchestrate. Rather than just … Read more


Sinister Forces Of Hatred
Ossuary Records (2021)

Sinister Forces Of Hatred is the second album from Helsinki-based thrash metal ensemble Demonztrator. Formed in 2016 as a covers band, their aim being to revive Finnish speed/thrash metal from the late '80s and '90s. Their first album Forgotten Acts Of Aggression, released in 2017, is a collection of covers and is their love letter to fellow Finns Brainwash, Dementia, … Read more


The Instinct
Jade Tree (2003)

So many bands have release their first albums to nothing but fanfare only to dissapoint with their sophmore release. I was certain Denali would not fit that mold and release another gem. Unfortunately, they proved me wrong. First things first, this is not a bad record by any means. It's just incredibly average. The record starts off very solid. Opener, … Read more


Satan's Tomb EP
Metal Blade (2015)

Murray/Smith King/Hanneman Tipton/Downing These are just a few of the lead guitar duos from Iron Maiden, Slayer and Judas Priest respectively, that dominated heavy metal music of the 1980s and beyond. Perhaps lesser known, but by no means lesser in all other areas is the guitar duo do Michael Denner and Hank Shermann from Mercyful Fate, the band whose music … Read more

Depeche Mode

Playing the Angel
Reprise (2005)

I broke a fingernail tearing the shrink wrap off Playing the Angel - that's how excited I was to get into it. After the confusion caused by Exciter, and the months of consolation I indulged in with the two Singles collections, I was desperate for Martin Gore, Dave Gahan and that other guy who's name I had to look up … Read more