Death is Not Glamorous comes at you from the swamps of...Oslo, Norway? Yes, that's right, Norway. The country most well-known for producing myriad Black Metal bands has given us one of the best up and coming melodic hardcore/punk bands currently going. Having released this demo in late 2005, the band has since gained quite a following here in the United … Read more
Punk has always been international. When public intellectuals like Thomas L. Friedman began to trumpet the interconnectedness of a globalized world, American punks had already been booking tours, trading records, and making friends with their international brethren for years. It's a shining example of how the right cultural formation can dissolve political borders with ease - just as earlier rock … Read more
With poverty becoming a fashion statement (I'm sure some Vice or Pitchfork contributor has ditched the birth-control glasses and bangover for bike hats and bandanas) and crust bands taking the place of the In Flames sound-alikes, it's nice to see a band like Deathcycle is actually catering to the hardcore aspect of the music. While still intensely political and fast, … Read more
Deathcycle brings hardcore laden with throwback influence and metal finishes. They're young, angry lads who have, within the past month, announced their breakup before I even got around to Prelude to Tyranny. The first thing to strike me upon listening is Ron Grimaldi's voice. It's especially powerful and carries well above the abrasive music. Normally, he is singing over the … Read more
Jeph Jacques may be primarily a cartoonist, but he's somehow managed to turn that profession into an outlet for his musical passions as well, crafting a virtual band from his own fictional characters and recording real music for them. The result is his one-man post-metal project, the flippantly named Deathmøle, which has turned out a steady stream of albums since … Read more
In spite of its low profile, the Pittsburgh hardcore scene is one of the better currently running, consistently churning out outstanding and original bands. Because of its circumnavigating of hype, the bands that do emerge from the Pittsburgh area carry with them a sincerity not found in most bands. They never seem to succumb to trend-hitching, instead perform music that … Read more
Wow, I haven't been keeping up with Deathspell Omega. I was lucky to end up with a promo copy of the Kénôse EP from 2005 and I've been hooked on Deathspell Omega ever since. Fas- Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum is supposedly the second installment in a trilogy - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice being part one - and it marks … Read more
One of the things I love about reviewing is that sometimes I come across bands that are real gems that I would never have known about otherwise. Deathspell Omega is one of those bands. These mysterious Frenchmen stay true to the spirit of traditional, raw black metal, but at the same time manage to put their own genuine spin on … Read more
Massed In Black Shadow is a fifty minute swirling vortex of harsh sound and painful noise imbued with a seething wretchedness that creeps and boils with a deeply unsettling pace. The duo that comprise this project are often found contributing to a multitude of other dirty and rotten bands, most notably Welter In Thy Blood, but also The Slaughtered Lamb … Read more
Debt Neglector put this new digital EP into the world in late 2020, in part to help raise funds for Fair Fight before the Georgia runoff elections. It has five songs, ending on an Elvis Costello cover.That intro is relevant because the songs on Bad Faith are highly political in nature, so it gives an added dimension. The EP also … Read more
Ah yes, Texas hardcore. In spite of the recent loss of many of its key bands, the various scenes within Texas continue to strike back with more young and promising hardcore bands. Decades, from the greater Dallas region, is amongst this new crop of bands bringing new life. Numbered is the band's debut effort, a six-song EP. "Caravel / Mediastinum" … Read more
On Decahedron's debut full-length, the Lovitt Records darlings set out to prove that the D.C. sound is alive and well in 2004. Characterized by edgy, angular sonics and accompanied by lyrical messages of a distinct political and social slant, Decahedron is very much akin to the D.C. sound that broke onto the national scene in the late 80's with bands … Read more
Now, this is a pleasant surprise. I have not been previously introduced to Declan de Barra or previous outfits (Clann Zu and Non Intentional Lifeform). So, there are no expectations for Song of a Thousand Birds, his first solo effort. The promotional CD (which gives no real liner notes or in depth information or artwork that may or may not … Read more
DeeCracks is not exactly new to the punkrock scene. Starting out as The Cretins in 2003, rebranding themselves to DeeCRACKS in 2007 this Austrian trio has some experience under their belts. Serious Issues is their fourth full length album. Next to that they have released a string of splits and EP’s. So I am surprised that Serious Issues is the … Read more
DeeCracks don’t reinvent anything, but they don’t regurgitate it either. There’s a lot of Ramones behind the experienced Austrian band, but they utilize familiar techniques like harmonies, solos, and even a surf instrumental to mix it up. It’s the kind of music that many bands try to pull off, but fail. It doesn’t sound like they’re aping their predecessors, but … Read more
Deep Sleep sound like 1980's LA hardcore. A good example is the dual vocals of "Alone with You," but with twenty-one songs in twenty-five minutes, all the songs are pretty interchangeable. It's fast, sloppy, and underdeveloped. After my first listen, I learned that Three Things at Once is a compilation of the band's three EPs thus far, which makes sense … Read more
Hailing from Texas, Deep Snapper give listeners A Drowning Man Can Pull You Under, a roiling ten track album that pops the whole time that it plays with nary a downtime in sight. Okay, maybe there are some slower numbers but they augment the record. After reading about them being similar to Dead Kennedy's mixed with the Minutemen, I am … Read more
Deep Snapper is back with another album of almost familiar songs that bring to mind a type of punk rock that is largely forgotten in this age of radio friendly pop punk bands with starry eyes. Into the Ugly is the third release for the Texas three-piece known as Deep Snapper, and at twelve songs, it gives listeners a large … Read more
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