Review type: Review

4858 total reviews — Page 47 of 270

Code Elektro

Iceberg Records (2015)

Boasting precise mixing and near-flawless musical execution, Code Elektro’s 2015 Superstrings may be one of the best albums of cyberpunk-inspired electronica one would hope to come across. This shouldn’t come as much of a shock considering the album is the product of Danish musician Martin Ahm Nielsen, who makes a living composing music for commercials and television. What did strike … Read more

Code Orange

Roadrunner (2017)

Code Orange are really hardcore. Not the genre, the noun. As a descriptive and an ethos, they wear it well. Forever is the band's first album with Roadrunner Records and it's gargantuan, throwing down the gauntlet for the next generation of heavy music.It's probably no coincidence that the band hail from Pittsburgh, because there's a strong working-class sound and attitude … Read more

Code Orange

Roadrunner (2020)

What is it that even makes a good album, good? Good is a slippery concept of course, and your definition is going to be shaped and tinted by your life experience, environment, and even physiology (some people naturally just have more acute hearing than others). Tomes could, and have been written, about what combination of sounds constitutes an "objective," scientific … Read more

Code Orange Kids

Love Is Love//Return To Dust
Deathwish Inc. (2012)

Much of the press that Pittsburgh-based hardcore act Code Orange Kids garnered with the release of its debut 7” Cycles late in 2011 was centered on the young age of the members. Almost a year later, the band has gone through three pressings of Cycles, signed to Deathwish, Inc., released a split with another rising band - Full Of Hell … Read more


Dancing Echoes / Dead Sounds
Equal Vision (2004)

A lot of albums are released during the course of a year. Hell, even if you rule out all the albums that you know you have no interest in at all, there will still be some that you just don't get around to fully checking out until much after the fact. So while everyone else is focusing on the next … Read more

Coffin Carousel

Order Of The Bat
Noise Inc Records (2022)

rder Of The Bat is the third full length album from one of Melbourne, Australias busiest horrorpunk/dark rock bands Coffin Carousel. Originally starting out as a side project for frontman Howard Von Noise in 2012 they became a fully fledged band in 2015 when they brought out their first EP Fiend (2013). Previous releases from the quartet include their debut … Read more


Buried Death
20 Buck Spin (2008)

Hailing from Japan, Coffins play a vicious style of doom that relentlessly pummels listeners while at the same time is raw and unhinged. Buried Death is the three-piece group's third full-length (all released since 2005 after a long career without an album and an eventual reformation in 2003). In any case, there is a significant amount of hype flying around … Read more


The Fleshland
Relapse (2013)

Since the release of their debut album, Mortuary in Darkness which came out in 2005, Coffins started building a cult aura around them. This was further developed with the release of their next two full-length albums, The Other Side of Blasphemy (2006) and Buried Death (2008), while on the same time their split releases, with great acts such as Otesanek, … Read more


Profound Lore (2014)

Coffinworm has been terrorizing the world since the release of their debut demo, Greater Bringer of Night. From that point on the black/doom/sludge sickening horror that they unleashed continues to haunt us. Their excellent debut album, When All Becomes None, would certainly seal the deal, and their split with Fistula would only increase the anticipation for a follow-up album.So here … Read more


Course Over Ground
Moonlee (2007)

I don't get the chance to review Croatian bands very often. And I definitely don't get many chances to review Croatian noise rock bands (try never). This is why the band COG caught my eye. The first thing I noticed with this album was the packaging: sturdy, coarse paper in contrast to the thin, glossy paper that is the norm … Read more

Coke Bust

Independent (2007)

It's an odd thing to look back on the things that helped shape us such as the music we listen to and just how long ago they initially took place. Looking back on the DC punk and hardcore scene, the time has flown by. It has been almost twenty years since Fugazi decided to form, and has been twenty-two years … Read more

Cold War Kids

Robbers and Cowards
Downtown (2006)

With a few EP's and a couple of renowned festivals under their belt - Lollapalooza and South by Southwest - Cold War Kids have finally released (in late 2006 actually) their full-length album, Robbers and Cowards. Like a few of their indie predecessors, Cold War Kids borrows from 1970's legends like Bob Dylan and The Velvet Underground for their sound, … Read more

Cold World

Dedicated to Babies Who Came Feet First
Deathwish Inc. (2008)

Thankfully raps inclusion into the world of heavy music has been greatly ignored in hardcore minus a few forays into the ugliest parts of New York City, North Jersey, and a couple sightings in California in the early 90's. Then came Cold World from Wilkes-Barre, PA with their cute little samples and lyrics lifted from various hip hop artists. Next … Read more

Cold World

Ice Grillz
Lockin Out (2005)

I had heard so much hype about this band, so I was kind of weary about checking them out. Everyone was talking about waiting for their pre-orders, and avid record collectors were searching out every color of their newest record. This phenomenon only happens with few bands. When I finally got around to listening to Ice Grillz, I was actually … Read more

Cold World

No Omega
1917 (2007)

The Wilkes-Barre hardcore unit Cold World has a lot to answer for. First, they were the band that effectively shut down Posi Numbers Fest for good. They are also responsible for a new crop of fashion conscious hardcore kids outbidding each other on eBay over street wear influenced t-shirts... lots and lots of t-shirts. Cold World also likes to call … Read more


Capitol (2005)

Coldplay is one of those bands that you get beat up after school for liking. In every day terms, they're a pussy band. Personally, I have been a fan of Coldplay ever since Parachutes was released in 2000 - the album was very personal sounding and it contained one of the most beautiful songs ever made, "Yellow". When A Rush … Read more

Coleman Hell

Stark Raving
Independent (2013)

Coleman Hell is a three-piece Canadian band from Northern Ontario. It consists of vocalist Coleman Hell along with Rob “La+ch” Benvegnu and Michah “Dustbuster” Dowbak. Along with being a band, it is a project that experiments with sound and also consists of their “behind-the-scenes” engineer Brendon “Stretch” McDonald, whom all together help to create, produce and perfect the beats and … Read more

Colin Of Arabia

Illegal Exhibition of Speed
Rock Vegas (2004)

The first thing I noticed when pulling this CD out of the tray, was that it was one of those full size compact discs that only uses three inches in the middle. The outer ring of the disc was clear plastic. The image screened onto the disc looked pretty menacing with the clear background. I also noticed that the band … Read more