I’ve listened to a lot of Future Girls, Modern Cynics, and Weekend Dads the past couple of years. What does that have to do with Cluttered? Well, they share a key songwriting voice in Matty Grace, for starters. But Cluttered is a new band and a new direction, albeit more of a variation than a reinvention. Cluttered is Grace (vocals/guitar/bass), … Read more
I'll admit, I was intrigued by the idea of Scottish Pagan Metal. Even with the full understanding of Pagan Metal by definition of the more extreme metal using folk instruments from any religion or culture, the ole' noggin still tends to default to the Norse code. Cnoc An Tursa hail from the lowlands of Scotland. Falkirk, to be exact. They … Read more
So the inevitable is occurring as Relapse is reissuing this behemoth of an album (although at right around thirty minutes that is a stretch to call it such by today's standards). Recently awarded a spot in the Decibel album hall of fame, 0:12.2: Revolution in Just Listening is a supremely curious album as it is a document of a band … Read more
As much as I may or may not be completely objective when attempting record reviews, I must admit that this is probably not capable of happening when it comes to Coalesce's new album, Ox. Quite literally ten years in the making, Ox is the band's first new album since 0:12: Revolution in Just Listening and the subject of much anxiety … Read more
If ever the term spoiled could be used, do it now right now because that is what Coalesce is doing to its listeners with the release of their latest EP, aptly entitled Ox by the way. Following an extremely long layoff due to (of all things) breaking up, Coalesce return with a ton of new material which this EP is … Read more
It scares me to think that some people reading this were still in grade school when Coalesce put out their last album 0:12 Revolution in Just Listening; the idea that a band that I found so aggressively destructive almost a decade ago can release something new and have those new songs be equally challenging and passionate is just as frightening … Read more
Yes, Hydra Head has been pumping out the reissues of late (look to Botch having American Nervoso and We are the Romans re-released in super updated formats just recently and yeah I know this review is late), but this reissue not only includes the entirety of the original release for There is Nothing New Under the Sun but it also … Read more
For a city its size, I know next to nothing about the Atlanta, GA scene. For some reason I think of Nashville Pussy-styled sleaze rock, Athens indie, and dirty South hiphop—none of which remotely apply to the Coathangers. Instead, the Coathangers take a post-punk, No Wave sound and run with it, adding in more contemporary influences such as Riot Grrl … Read more
A lot of the bands I listen to have gotten older and slowed their productivity so it’s nice to realize that The Coathangers are already releasing their fifth album even it’s already been a decade for the Atlanta-formed trio. On Nosebleed Weekend the band takes a bit of a curve toward a cleaner, less challenging sound, even if it’s just … Read more
This Atlanta trio caught my attention with Larceny & Old Lace a couple of years ago, and Suck My Shirt is a continuation of that sound. It shifts into hypnotic, rhythmic patterns and eschews melodies at times, instead just shouting their fury over the beat while discordant guitars clash away. It’s not noise rock—there’s still a firm focus on structure … Read more
Much of what I listen to on the regular is of the three-chord punk variety. While I want the bands in that field to switch up their sound, to develop and grow, the differences are usually pretty subtle in that world. The Coathangers, though, are something else and for some reason I’m always surprised when I put on each new … Read more
Cobalt is a two-piece black metal band hailing from the United States. They have a surprisingly full and "polished" sound that sets them apart from other black metal bands that I have been privy to hear. Eater of Birds is the band's (from what I have gathered) second full-length and showcases a marked improvement from their first full-length (War Metal … Read more
The future looked very dark for Cobalt, following the release of 2009's Gin. Wunder and McSorley seemed to have perfected their recipe for the black metal outfit, following the release of their debut album, War Metal, and especially their sophomore full-length, Eater of Birds. The band seized activities, and time went by. McSorley left the band, re-joined and left again, … Read more
Goner records has a certain sound to everything on their label. Part Ramones, part garage band record it lo-fi and or subtract piano and organs as you see fit. There is something absolutely great about the simplicity and childlike love of classic 60's garage rock that is contained in each release. So I can't be faulted for having some vague … Read more
Jason Schwartzman was first known for being the drummer of the alternative rock band Phantom Planet. But Schwartzman left the band in the middle of their third album to try his luck as an actor. Since then he has made his mark on the film industry in movies such as "I Heart Huckabees" and "Marie Antoinette." Now he is back … Read more
I'm always in a mood. It's not always a bad mood, although it may be three-quarters of the time, but I'm always in a mood. I've found that certain CD's better suit certain moods. Like, if I feel like partying my ass off, I'll put in Echoes by The Rapture. The other day I was in a weird mood. I … Read more
A guitarist who died too soon, going by the name of Rust Epique, once said: "Bad art is still art." These words came back to me when listening to CocoRosie, and brought back the memories of when I was a young kid that listened to shitty music, like Crazy Town, which featured Rust Epique. Anyway, as I was listening to … Read more
There is a lot of history in Code's DNA. When releasing their debut album, they were considered a type of supergroup, including members such as Vicotnik of Dodheimsgard and Aiwarikiar of Ulver in their line-up, as well as Kvohst, who would later become the new vocalist of Dodheimsgard. With an album such as Nouveau Gloaming it is fairly difficult to … Read more
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