Review type: Review

4860 total reviews — Page 102 of 270

Ides Of Gemini

Neurot\Sige (2012)

Ides Of Gemini probably seem to have come out nowhere to most. Looking at their members there isn't a long ex members of list or any long time battling it out with a ton of releases either. The band seemingly came from nowhere last year by self releasing an EP or demo. Said EP The Disruption Writ was a brief … Read more

Idle Hands

Eisenwald (2019)

The metal scene is one that moves in cycles, with sub-genres becoming the flavour of the month before the hot new thing moves in to take over the masses for a short time. Goth rock, however, always seems to stay the course. There’s something about the sounds, the feelings, the time period it evokes, and for those reasons the style … Read more


Warnings / Promises
Parlophone (2005)

In 2002, Bob Fairfoul walked out of Idlewild with a rain of misdirected punches. From that moment, it seemed impossible that the next album would be anything other than either a return to an older, easier sound, or a radical change. When bassist Gavin Fox from Irish band Turn and long-term tour guitarist Allan Stewart were drafted into the new … Read more

If Hope Dies

Life in Ruin
Ironclad/Metal Blade (2006)

Auburn is a tranquil town in upstate New York sitting about fifteen minutes outside of the city of Syracuse. You may not be a geography major, but this is relevant. Why, you ask? Because Auburn is the same town that spawned metal masters Manowar and Syracuse is the city that gave birth to hardcore legends Earth Crisis. It is likely … Read more

Iggy & The Stooges

Raw Power (Re-Issue)
Sony (2010)

"Raw Power’s got a son named rock n’ roll" Leave it to Iggy Pop to both boast about this record and succinctly describe what an album’s impact would be on music. Seriously, look at the cover to the album, and I mean REALLY look at it; get it out of your collection and look at it, and if it is … Read more

Iggy & The Stooges

Ready To Die
Fat Possum Records (2013)

The death of Ron Asheton in 2009 was a sad day in music. Considered by this critic and many others to be one of the best guitarists of all time, with his work on the first 2 Stooges album becoming the stuff of legend over the years. Having rejoined with Iggy and the Stooges a few years prior and appearing … Read more

Iggy Pop

Post Pop Depression
Loma Vista Recordings (2016)

When Iggy pop parted ways with The Stooges in the mid-seventies, no one really knew what to expect from the man next. If they had been taking bets in Vegas, the highest odds would have gone to: Moving to Berlin to collaborate with David Bowie. Nevertheless, that's exactly what happened, and the result was his first solo release, The Idiot. … Read more


A War Against You
Century Media (2016)

Even after a decade, Ignite still managed to put out a record that was the logical step forward from Our Darkest Days. While it's not a "reunion" album, it certainly feels like it. Up until the last couple years, Ignite have pretty much been on and off when it came to performing. Front-man, Zoli Teglas, went on to join Pennywise … Read more


Our Darkest Days
Abacus (2006)

It's been six years since Ignite's last full-length, A Place Called Home, so one might expect their return to be a bit rocky, it having been so long. It turns out that it's anything but rocky. Our Darkest Days is quite possibly Ignite's best work to date, and depending on your tastes, you may or may not agree. Vocalist Zoli … Read more

Ignite the Will

Words Fail
Double or Nothing (2006)

I sometimes wonder what motivates individuals to be in a band full-time. That's a lot of devotion to one thing, and it comes with a lot of sacrifice, especially if you're a younger band. Well, Ignite the Will have recently made the decision to become a full-time band and their reasoning is as good as I've ever heard: "We would … Read more


Das Seelenbrechen
Candlelight (2013)

Ihsahn is one of the most immediately recognisable artists that Norway has produced and his work in legends Emperor and now as a solo act has seen him move from the early stages of black metal to a much more progressive sound. Ihsahn’s solo efforts have always been extremely interesting and with Das Seelenbrechen he has created a textured landscape … Read more


Candlelight (2012)

Norway’s Ihsahn (or Vegard Sverre Tveitan if we're being formal) has continued to produce some of the most exciting and progressive music since his days as a member of the influential Emperor. Gradually turning from the black metal aspect of his career, Ihsahn has taken his skills as a songwriter and instantly recognisable vocalist to an entirely different and powerful … Read more


Consouling Sounds (2017)

Josh Graham has become something of a Renaissance man here in the past 10 years or so. As founder of Red Sparowes, and A Storm of Light, Graham has taken rock music and gave it an ambient / drone twist. His solo project IIVII, and new record Invasion, has taken Graham’s love of ambient music that much further with haunting … Read more


The Christmas Tree Ship
Fantastic Plastic (2008)

As I write this, Christmas 2008 is receding into days past the decorations hanging guiltily on to the ceiling, the cooking trays full of congealed fat and the gentle disappointment of a thousand ill-received gifts floating in the air. But I'm still feeling festive enough that a limited edition Christmas release from iLiKETRAiNS feels appropriate to review. Not that anything … Read more

Ill Nino

Victory (2012)

Well most people reading this will either look at the and ask one of 2 questions. "who?" or "wait, they're still around?" The who is simple, Ill Nino joined the Nu-Metal races slightly later than most forming in 1998 and releasing their debut for Roadrunner in 2001. That already put them behind the curve what set them apart was their … Read more


What the Hell Do I Know?
Ace Fu (2007)

It's hard to talk about bands you don't know. I feel like there should be a mental block when you describe a band that has a solid fan base, but that you've only listened to a handful of times. Nevertheless, you have to start somewhere, and every band (well, most bands) deserves a listen. So I go forth into the … Read more


The Insight Eye
Willowtip (2007)

Similarities define genres, right? You can take a group of musicians, cite some sort of common threads through their records, and coalesce those into a genre. But when there are too many bands in a certain genre, things just get stale. And I feel this way about "technical/progressive death metal." Unfortunately, Illogicist's The Insight Eye is another entry into this … Read more

Ima Robot

Monument to the Masses
Virgin (2006)

It seemed as though the robots had short-circuited after their debut release. They toured non-stop for a year or two and then disappeared. Many thought the junk yard was the fate for these robots, but it turns out they were just doing maintenance, upgrading and such. Best friends and the only remaining original members, vocalist, Alex Ebert, and guitarist, Timmy … Read more