The second record of German band Hysterese is a record I own and play quite frequently. To me it is one of those strange records that you enjoy a lot, but didn’t invite you to delve into their past or actively follow the band. Until now. As I saw the band name pop up in the heap of promos I … Read more
Last year White Russian Records made me very happy by releasing Travoltas’ comeback album Until We Hit The Shore, which ended up being my favourite record of last year. Next to a couple of interesting up and coming bands White Russian Records is now releasing another comeback album of another Dutch punk legend: I Against I. Legendary in part because … Read more
Truly happy yet honest albums are in short supply. If they’re happy they’re usually over-the-top and use cringe-worthy lyrics, but if the album’s songs are bathed in sadness then there’s a risk that it will sound whiny and dull. On Let It All In I Am Kloot have struck a beautiful balance; the album can be best described as giving … Read more
If you look at the musical resumes of the members of I Am the Avalanche, they are quite impressive. Vocalist Vinnie Caruana fronted the pop-punk band The Movielife; Guitarist Brandon Swanson played in the highly-toted emo/indie rock band Further Seems Forever; bassist Kellen Robson was a member of Long Island hardcore band Scraps and Heart Attacks; and while guitarist Michael … Read more
I'm not going to lie to you, kids. I have an affinity for most things from Down Under. I had family who lived there for fifteen years that I had the pleasure of visiting many moons ago. I've been on the Sydney Harbour Cruise, record shopping in Melbourne, held a wombat in Ballarat, and found my way back to a … Read more
If you're even remotely serious about hardcore then you probably already received, or gave yourself, a history lesson about the genre. Depending on the school of thought you belong to your education begins with the early eighties bands like Black Flag and Minor Threat.* If you or your teacher is of another mind it probably started with one label: Revelation … Read more
Offering up an abrasive quintet of hardcore punk that flies by in five minutes, the 2015 self-titled demo from Oakland, California four-piece I WANNA DIE conveys the type of reckless desperation suggested by their name – the hopelessness present in the material is probably the demo’s strongest and most noticeable aspect. An opening trio of 45-50 second punk thrashers gives … Read more
Nevermind the seeming monopoly that John Pettibone has on vocals for metal and hardcore bands in the Seattle area. The band, dubbed iamthethorn, that began as a project between he and friend Aaron "Edge" Connell (former member of Himsa, Genuine, Harkonen, The Horde, Grievous, Hellephant, Christ, Autumn, Grip Inc, and probably countless others) lays down its debut EP You are … Read more
When a press pack goes on and on about an artist's former band and all you can remember about them is a single that maybe cracked the Top 20 (but you're not sure), you know they're clutching at straws. So it is with Chris Corner, former member of Sneaker Pimps and the mind behind IAMX. Kiss + Swallow, his debut … Read more
Well, he still looks like a prick in the ruff but now he's wearing a big stripey kipper tie as well. So it goes. There's a not-so-subtle shift for IAMX on The Alternative, a tweaking of sound from debut release Kiss + Swallow. The first album was noticeable for coasting a bit too much on the metrosexual swagger of its … Read more
If there's anything movies have taught us, it's that sequels almost always suck in comparison to the original. While there aren't nearly as many sequels in the musical world, occasionally an artist will go back and revisit one of the ideas that made them famous in the first place. In almost all of these cases, such as with Mike Oldfield's … Read more
Ian Brown is held in high regard by many, many people; which I guess you can sort of expect for the man that was the lead singer of The Stone Roses. With the release of his greatest hits album under the imaginative title The Greatest, Brown is pretty sure of himself and his music. God knows why. Seriously the guy … Read more
Reviews of music this insular, personal, and weird usually end up talking about other artists. Something along the lines of: "Cho sounds like that one guy, but with a hint of that other guy. A complex ratatouille of influences including..." but I can't write that review for a couple of reasons. The first is that I don't spend a whole … Read more
The classically trained Ian William Craig released in 2016 one of the best experimental works of the year in Centres. Applying ample processing to his vocals, in effect enhancing the performance, he created an adventurous record without tempering with the underlying emotion. Today he returns with Slow Vessels, a long EP, which extends the concepts of Centres in a very … Read more
Swiss band Icare once started out as a studio project with no real intention to play live. Somewhere between their debut (Khaos) and their sophomore album, Charogne, this changed. The band wanted to play live. Of course you do that by playing one 43 minute long song. That sounds like solid logic right? It is a ballsy move indeed. What … Read more
This summer my girlfriend and I… Sorry ladies, I’m taken. That’s one less music nerd on the market. Bummer, I know, right? Ah, where was I? Oh yeah… So, this summer my girlfriend and I have a little Saturday morning tradition, so to speak. We get up early, pack a bag with towels and magazines we won’t read, and head … Read more
If Danish punk band Iceage’s debut New Brigade gave us just that, then it looks like their third album Plowing into the Field of Love gives us another brigade. Indeed, if it weren’t for Elias Rønnenfelt’s distinct baritone vocals (think Jonathan Richman of The Modern Lovers or Ian Curtis of Joy Division), we probably wouldn’t recognize Plowing as another Iceage … Read more
The fact that this record’s release coincided with me preparing for and subsequently taking a vacation, and you know, having a life outside of writing record reviews, means you’re likely reading this well after numerous other Internet outlets have exhausted every possible way to dissect You’re Nothing, the sophomore outing by Denmark’s Iceage, and still come up with the same … Read more
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