Let me bring you up to speed on the world of Nine Inch Nails. 2005 saw the release of With Teeth, an album which boasted three number-one singles, a Grammy award nomination, and respectable position on many 'top albums of the year' lists. Like the widely acclaimed The Downward Spiral before it, With Teeth showcased distinct pop-sensibilities in frontman Trent … Read more
Over the years, Queens of the Stone Age have managed to carve a deep niche into the hard stubbornness of mainstream music. Like his previous band Kyuss before, Josh Homme has created in Queens of the Stone Age a unique sound and style that sticks out like crazy on a milquetoast landscape. While the albums individually aren't always the most … Read more
Before Lullabies to Paralyze could even be committed to tape, frontman Josh Homme was faced with several important choices. And none was going to be more crucial than his decision to fire close friend and bassist Nick Oliveri. Was it the appropriate decision to make? I don't think we'll ever know. All we can really do is take the music … Read more
Tornadoes, while not traditionally known as positive forces in the world, certainly provide for some excitement, amazement, and entertainment. Much like a car accident, we all want to see what happened, the ensuing destruction, and if we're lucky, a body or two. Exhibit A: Twister. No matter how many times I watch this flick, I still come back just to … Read more
Live albums aren't worth purchasing 99% of the time due to two reasons: 1) the band doesn't deserve it; 2) the recording quality is atrocious. Over the Years and Through the Woods defies both of those with ease. Josh Homme and his current cast of Queens of the Stone Age, in my opinion, are the best rock band playing out, … Read more
The Hives are back, and this time they're doing it in white jackets. The Swedish five-some hit the American music scene hard three years ago, when, according to their website, the album Veni Vidi Vicious "reintroduced rock in the mainstream (No, I mean actual ROCK MUSIC)." Yes, that's right, folks. Actual, foot-stomping, screamin' vocals rock music, not that "garage" misnomer … Read more
Let’s get right to it. I think we can all agree that lead-off single “Tattoo” is a shitty song. And any album that has the opening lyrics of I've got Elvis on my elbow would have any sane, reasonable consumer checking online for iTunes refund policies.* But this is David Lee Roth we're talking about. The man can get away … Read more
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