Stand-up comedians aren't funny. With very few exceptions, this is a truism that has become stronger and stronger over the years with every "I drive my spouse nuts" line and "Black people do things differently" joke. Brian Posehn is one of those exceptions. Culled from the last bastion of laughter - The Comedians of Comedy Tour, Nerd Rage reminds us … Read more
Brian Simpson plays that sort of music that you feel like you've heard before but can't really remember when or who else plays that sort of music. It carries all the influences of Bob Dylan and The Allman Brothers and ends up sounding something like what Van Morrison has been doing for the past decade or so and where Brian … Read more
If first impressions are what make or break an artist, Cadette is a whole bunch of angry. The Minneapolis, MN trio’s debut release Flesh Without Hunting rips through eight songs, drawing a heavy 1990s influence but maintaining their own identity, rooted in the present, throughout. The easiest point of reference comes with vocalist and primary songwriter Laura Larson’s previous band, … Read more
Caestles is a six-person conglomeration of two bands that have fused together to form one entity. And when you listen to the band's self-released EP, We Have Built a New God, this makes perfect sense. The four songs that comprise this EP takes equal parts atmospheric and electronic-based indie/rock and devastating crushing metalcore. Points of this EP remind me of … Read more
Litanies Of Abjection isn't your standard Caïna release. It isn't what you expect and it certainly isn't a black metal record. It's something new, different and it's also incredibly personal and as such a terrifying and oppressive listen. For those who have followed the musical career of Andrew Curtis-Brignell, the change and shift shouldn't really come as that much of … Read more
Oh wow, another Long Island hardcore band? Seriously? Man, I can't really say I saw this one coming. All sarcastic comments aside, Long Island, New York has cranked out some seriously great bands over the years. I mean, who else has a pedigree like Glassjaw, Silent Majority, Brand New and Crime in Stereo? More or less, you know the score … Read more
It's a blank, black slate. There is little information, and everything about Cape Noire is ambiguous. Live pictures are, fittingly, of a woman in a black cape, her face shielded from the glare of the lights. As far as anyone knows, in the absence of a back story, Cape Noire have appeared out of nowhere. Their Ad Nauseam EP is … Read more
Extracting the finer points of black metal, hardcore and mad experimental sounds is hardly the newest trick in the book, but melding them together and producing an exciting and cohesive record such as Stagnant Perceptions is no mean feat. Hailing from Texas, Cara Neir destroy everything in their path. This, only their second full length, is such a fully rounded … Read more
Carnal Knowledge deliver a nice blend of fuzzy guitar-driven punk that is reminiscent of the nascent riot grrl records crossed with the East Bay bounce that anyone growing up punk in the 90's grew to love. And to top it off, they have dual vocals - something I've been a sucker for ever since I first heard Blatz. While their … Read more
Amy Winehouse. Lily Allen. Jenny Lewis. All are media darlings. Despite any and all current public backlash, neither lady could release an album of humming in an aluminum coffee tin without the pundits all standing and cheering - the applause deafening. Carrie Biell deserves this adoration more than any of them but will never ever get it. Why? Because: a) … Read more
Cheap Tragedies note that they formed shortly after the members ran into each other at this summer's Gorilla Biscuits reunion tour in Cleveland. Given this fact and their extensive collective resume of previous bands, one may be concerned that their current project might serve as nothing more than a nostalgia piece - worthy in its own right, but without any … Read more
Expect adjectives. Adjectives and hyphens. For, you see, Chokecherry are a punk band that doesn’t play punk songs. I guess folk-punk is the subgenre tag du jour, but that term steers in the wrong direction in many ways. As does country-punk, though it’s far more apt. Chokecherry play country songs run through a DIY punk filter, influenced by a lifestyle … Read more
HEY YOU! Metal Blade! Century Media! Lifeforce! Earache! All you record labels down with the metal: LISTEN UP! Chosen is an independent metal band hailing from Ireland and I can say with all sincerity that the fact that none of you have stepped up and signed these guys is a Goddamn travesty. Granted, this might be due to the fact … Read more
For those that don't know, Christian Brady is the bearded frontman for Mass Movement of the Moth, and this is his self-recorded cassette that his mom helped him release. Like Mass Movement of the Moth this tape is kind of "out there" in a fun kind of way, and is really all over the place. Expecting to hear typical acoustic … Read more
Now, I had only heard of this band's existence and never actually had the opportunity to listen to their music until I was able to see them. Honestly, I was dumbstruck by how excellent they were (good musicians, good amount of passion, good amount of energy), and it was not only me who reacted this way as many people who … Read more
Good things come to those who wait. It's a cliché, yes, but for Clad in Darkness that old adage rings wholly true. Having formed at least fifteen years ago, the band have taken their sweet, sweet time in releasing their debut record. A couple of EPs have seen the light but for this Chicago based band, a full length was … Read more
Every now and then I come home from the supermarket and think to myself, while unpacking: I should not have gone there while being hungry. It is empirically proven that sending me out to get some food while being hungry is not a tried and tested, best in class inventory management solution. I think this should be recognisable for you … Read more
If there's any one artist who should make you happy to listen to music, it's Ben Sharp, aka Cloudkicker. Though releasing free music on the Internet isn't anything new, it's safe to say that, in terms of quality, Sharp's in a class all his own. He also voluntarily remains unsigned from a label, ensuring that his music will continue to … Read more
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