Argos Checkmate hails from Syracuse and mix together the worlds of chaotic metalcore and ambient post-rock. You may think the two don't go together well, but the end result is rather enjoyable. "Dresden" and "Hellen Keller" take technical jibber-jabber to the next level, reminiscent of The Dillinger Escape Plan and Engineer, but with more chug. Meantime, "In the Warm" falls … Read more
Eat Shit is just over five minutes of some of the most angry music I have heard in a long time. Although I didn't expect myself to say this for a long long time, this demo is so angry that it is refreshing. Arsonist is a genuinely pissed off band with something to say, along the lines of classics like … Read more
Now here is an album that deserves some attention. This review was actually a long time in coming because I originally discovered it via a blog as early as last October. It quickly became a staple soundtrack for long, mind-numbing walks I would have to make on chilly autumn nights. It has a somewhat gloomy atmosphere, but it is by … Read more
Pop-rock is a huge right now and Attention has a shot at being the next big thing. This four-piece group from Minneapolis contains members that did time in Gratitude and The Gloria Record, among others. Stand Strong is the band's latest offering, a six-song self-released EP filled with upbeat pop-rock. The songs that make up Stand Strong are quite catchy … Read more
Spaceman comes to Earth, fronts rock band!It sounds like it might be a Weekly World News headline or the subplot to a ‘60s-era Godzilla film, yet this is allegedly what happened when, in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, Von LMO, claiming to have been from the planet Strazar, rose to prominence in NYC’s no wave music scene. Following the … Read more
Bate Kush, the second short release from a side-project of drone and ambient musician Foie Gras known as Bad Kisser, presents the listener with a conundrum. The EP has eight extremely noisy and lo-fi tracks, only two of which last more than ninety seconds. Honestly, the brevity of the songs here isn’t really an issue nor is the very rough … Read more
Bad Lovers is a new project from members of Restrained. This Los Angeles-based punk outfit offers four songs on their demo recording. Musically, I am reminded of The Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, late Black Flag, and other noise-punk outfits. You've got that down and dirty approach to punk with droney riffs and the little flairs of grunge and metal inserted … Read more
Bad Mask are a fairly new band hailing from New Jersey. The band deals in semi technical Metal. While not being as technical as some bands they tend to carry the torch of early Dillinger Escape Plan. Meaning that they go through more than a few time changes within their songs. There is a heavy focus on dissonant riffing and … Read more
It’s not often that I get random recommendations (without asking) from friends which turn out to be something very cool. So, whenever that happens, I really cherish said moment and discovery. You probably already guessed the rest of this preamble. One of my best friends recommended this band to me. I was practically sold once I saw it was an … Read more
There can be many reasons to pick an album to review. Sometimes it is the description, sometimes it is a connection with another band and sometimes it is the artwork. Upon seeing this for the first time I thought: “This better be good, ‘cause artwork like this deserves something good!”. This thought got stronger and stronger after I discovered every … Read more
Batoche is a fast-paced, self-proclaimed DIY hardcore/metal band from Vancouver, Canada. They have released three records independently (and changed their name) all before releasing their most recent, Terra Incognita. They boast that "new elements of chaos, atmosphere, flow and power" are found in their music, which is accompanied by insightful lyrical thought. Terra Incognita, the Latin term for "unknown land," … Read more
Battlestations is one of those bands that is doing amazing things despite the fact that no one seems to have heard of them. I stumbled upon them completely by accident while looking for an entirely different band—and I still feel very fortunate for that mistake. Their eponymous debut was solid, but Battlestations have really begun to stretch themselves to the … Read more
Sometimes, there are chances that demos can surprise you while at other times they make you wish that you never put it on your stereo in the first place. Black Cloud's nondescript demo (in the most classic of terms), with its hand made heavy cardstock cover and barely visible cover image and homemade feel, falls squarely in the former category. … Read more
It’s time for me to admit I enjoy reading promo blurbs. Every promo either talks about a revelation in an existing genre or about a band discovering a new genre altogether. Which makes sense; the label or band is trying to sell something and telling you you’re about to listen to something bland or utterly boring is not the world’s … Read more
Though a lot of post-anything music can, using a single theme, reach past the 10 minute mark without necessarily becoming repetitive or stale, there is still a point where too much is too much. You can only listen to embellishment and variation on one theme for so long before you start to go mad and beg for some variety. I'll … Read more
It's easy for people to dismiss a band like Bongripper. Instrumental doom metal isn't the most glamorous business out there, and the band's name just screams "gimmick." Every time I mention Bongripper to someone, I get scoffed at. "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT oh real cool kid BONG you think that's funny? Grow up." I don't know if the band was trying to be … Read more
The Devil's Song is the accompanying book to Boogeyman's self titled debut album; you can check out the album review right here.This 49 page story is the brainchild of Arizona based horrorpunk trio Boogeyman who wrote the songs to their album with this story in mind. They teamed up with friend and writer Edward Kearns continuing the story within the … Read more
Whether the music a band presents is groundbreaking or not, it's undoubtedly an awesome accomplishment when its members learn and develop much quicker than expected - as such is the case with Braintoy. Like most young artists just starting out, they saw it fit to hone their sound almost footprint-to-footprint with their influences. Braintoy's 2005 EP, Tremors, saw the crew … Read more
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