In the first of a new style for our Upcoming Talent section, Scott W. highlights three bands from the central Massachusetts area that we're recommending you check out. Without further ado, here they are. --- Central Massachusetts has always been a hotbed of great musicians and artists, everything from acoustic … Read more
My original intention was to introduce this article explaining the disappointment we all come to upon realizing that youth is fleeting, however I'll spare the euphemisms. Growing up sucks! Aside from all the responsibilities that are thrust upon you like paying bills and having to work a shitty job everyday, … Read more
Slashing their way into Upcoming Talent this time we have Pennsylvanian horrorpunk heavyweights The Deathtones. We quiz the familiar-looking, masked 4-piece on their career so far avoiding (because I'm scared) the awkward questions about their family life, previous workplaces and mother issues (you've seen them, right?!!!). Scene Point Blank: Hello … Read more
Welcome to the next instalment of Upcoming Talent. This time let us introduce you to Las Vegas locals Von Boldt. Their specialist subject is something we all need in our lives..: horror movie, heavy metal rock 'n' roll!! New on the scene but already getting label interest, we caught up … Read more
It's a new year so we welcome back the next instalment of our unsigned band feature, Upcoming Talent. This time we have punk rock band sprinkled with a pinch of melodic darkness, A Living Hell! We caught up with singer/guitarist Jason to tell us all about themselves... Scene Point Blank: … Read more
I feel like it has been a while since our last Upcoming Talent feature but we are back with a bang to bring you news of a shiny new solo project from Indianapolis. Meet Pretty With The Lights Out, a quirky horror themed punk rock project whose mastermind, Nate, has … Read more
Welcome back to our next instalment of Upcoming Talent, the feature that gives new and upcoming bands a platform to tell a wider audience all about themselves. This time we are back in the UK with a horrorpunk outfit that had spent a long time as a DIY duo and … Read more
Horrorpunk comes in many shapes and forms and I have been fortunate, doing this feature, to chat to many talented horrorpunk artists. All of these bands have horror as the deep-rooted core of their music and they bring this theme out in different styles. We have introduced you to the … Read more
Forming in the latter part of 2006 and almost immediately playing shows, Worcester?s I Rise is making quite some noise for such a young band. Featuring former members of the now-defunct Worcester band Youth Attack, I Rise is playing a style of hardcore almost extinct in today?s scene. With a … Read more
When I first immersed myself in the independent music scene, most of the songs I loved were worthy of the term "feel-good hit." Bands kept things simple and catchy, making you want to move your body regardless of skill. Best of all, the music lacked the over-production and emphasis on … Read more
Unless you're one of those people that consider D.C. to be a part of Virginia, then it's safe to say that Richmond is the punk capitol of the state. With such a tightly knit community, bands are constantly springing up and coming out with new and innovative music. Mouthbreather is … Read more
D.C. punk and hardcore always seems to be categorized by highs and lows: great bands starting and breaking up, venues opening and closing, etc? It's been that way since the days of Minor Threat and will probably continue to be a constant, a reliable seesaw over time. Regardless of the … Read more
The poetic styling of Josh and Robin Brown, making up the band Foot Foot, carry a certain feeling I can't quite place. Their bibliography states, "This is music to dream to, evoking the sand-scabbed knees and street-tarred soles of Los Angeles." And while that's not exactly what I'm trying to … Read more
With the amount of time I've been doing interviews for, it's pretty rare that I find myself intimidated by a group of people. A few nights ago, however, entering a full venue of late-twentysomethings or older, I was nervous as a first timer. The crowd, consisting of literary types, including … Read more
The world of heavy metal is endlessly going through phases of popularity. Amidst the hordes of current thrash and black metal trend followers are genuine artists, writing music because that's all that they know. They like their music fast, loud, abrasive, and pay no regard to what others think of … Read more
Welcome to the newly revived feature "Upcoming Talent". This is where we pass the baton to unsigned bands from all corners of the globe and give them the chance to tell us all about themselves. Combine this with a full discography low down, merch, social and gig links with some … Read more
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