It's the end of 2013, so here's our best-of roundup for the last twelve months.
You've seen our best albums of 2013; you've heard what artists think of the last twelve months. Now it's over to our writers to assemble their other top items of 2013: hip-hop, metal, live shows, indie EPs, goth records and more, just like every year. Click below to browse our … Read more
Pass the Mic is a Scene Point Blank tradition dating back to 2006 in which we turn the tables, sending a set of questions to bands, artists, and labels to get their opinions and memories of the past year in music. This year we've broken it into two pieces. Instead … Read more
Pass the Mic is a Scene Point Blank tradition dating back to 2006 in which we turn the tables, sending a set of questions to bands, artists, and labels to get their opinions and memories of the past year in music. This year we've broken it into two pieces. Instead … Read more
Another year, another year-end roundup from SPB. This is the tenth year of our existence and it's perhaps fitting that the album we've voted the best of 2013 is by a band which holds lots of significance for SPB. But no spoilers! Read on to see the list of the … Read more
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