One-question interviews with artists where we find out about the gear and equipment they use to achieve their sound.
Adam Nice (A.M. Nice – guitar/vocals) SPB: Were there any amps, cabs or anything else that stood out when you recorded with Steve Wethington at Candyland studio for your upcoming album? Nice: Our friend Jeff’s microphone stand with a built-in cup holder stood out as the worst piece of gear … Read more
Jeff Dean (All Eyes West – guitar) SPB: What type of guitar do you play and how did you choose it? Dean: In All Eyes West I play a 62 Fender Jazzmaster, but with everything else I play a Gibson Les Paul. My 68 Goldtop is probably the best guitar … Read more
Steven Mandell (American Standards – bass) SPB: Show us your rig setup and tell us what you like about it. Read more
Rob Huddleston (Ann Beretta) SPB: Did you use a different model guitar on the recordings of your old material (Old Scars, New Blood) than on the original recordings? How did it affect the overall sound, in your opinion? Huddleston: The answer is yes and no. Old Scars, New Blood is … Read more
Anthem Grief SPB: The two of you recorded the album on your own. How does the band’s live setup work? Anthem Grief: The two of us met through a previous band that was around for a short time. The two of us were the only ones who really clicked in … Read more
Josh (Asbestos Worker) SPB: You play everything yourself – What pieces of equipment are the most essential to “the Asbestos Worker” sound? Josh: The number 1 most important pieces of equipment that is essential for the Asbestos Worker sound is on my pedal board. I use Robo Pedals exclusively and … Read more
Tristan Shone (Author & Punisher) SPB: You are well known for building your own instruments in Drone Machines, and they have been part of your music since the beginning. How has your process for creating or modifying these instruments changed through the years? Shone: In the beginning of A&P, I … Read more
Josh (Autogramm – drums) SPB: Walk us through some of the recording equipment used in the making of Autogramm’s new album, Music That Humans Can Play. Josh: Read more
Tony (Barren Womb) SPB: Were there any amps, cabs or anything else that stood out in the studio when you recorded Lizard Lounge? Tony: There was nothing very unusual about the amp setup for the Lizard Lounge recording sessions, in fact it was very similar to the setup we’ve been … Read more
Chuck (Batshit Crazy – guitar) SPB: What kind of guitar do you use, and how/why did you choose this one? Chuck: For the Batshit Crazy record I totally stumbled into using this DEAN guitar. The background of the guitar is I used to own a Recording & Rehearsal studio and … Read more
Nicholas Pentabona (BEDTIMEMAGIC) SPB: From when you started up ‘til now, is there any specific piece of gear or setup that’s come to define your sound? photo by Trea Lavery, 2021 Pentabona: The one piece of gear that has defined my sound over many years is a WOBO AB/Y pedal … Read more
Morgan (MEDTIMEMAGIC – drums/organ) SPB: What nonstandard tweaks have you made to your kit setup to ease playing organ at the same time? (Feel free to walk us through your whole setup and include pics and/or videos.) Morgan: If only I could find a way to make playing the organ … Read more
Ben Wixson (Bend – bass) SPB: What model of bass do you play and how did you choose it? Wixson: For the past 20 years or so I have sworn by the Music Man Stingray bass, which has been made by Ernie Ball for decades. The first time I ever … Read more
Scott Turner (Black Sheep Wall) SPB: What’s the most MacGyver-esque workaround you’ve made to connect different bits of equipment? Turner: Using a $5 1/8” splitter cable and a few 1/8” to 1/4” adapters from Radio Shack to link up two live rigs at once. Read more
Ryan Jones (Body Stuff) SPB: Is there a specific piece of equipment that’s essential to “the Body Stuff” sound? Jones: "Yeah man, I'd say the one thing that comes out of the speakers that is a MUST is the drums. Those are some Steven Slate drum triggers!!!" Read more
Curran Reynolds (Body Stuff) Tell us what piece of gear “makes the Body Stuff sound,” in your opinion. Read more
Jim (Boilerman - guitar) SPB: What's the most overrated guitar feature? eg. whammy bars, D-Tuna? Jim: I don't know about overrated, but my most hated guitar feature is the floating bridge. The Dan Electro guitar I use for Boilerman doesn't have one, but the guitar I learned on did and … Read more
Lauren (Broken Record) SPB: What is your guitar/amp combo and how did you choose it? Lauren says: Read more
Chuck (Bullet Treatment – guitar) SPB: What kind of guitar do you use, and how/why did you choose this one? Chuck: My main guitar is a Gibson Epiphone Les Paul Model, it wasn't necessarily the guitar I set out to use but I like to try and buy cheaper guitars … Read more
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