We dive into the back catalog of a record label and ask them to nominate their most memorable releases from their label's history–with a few suggestions of our own.
In the last 7 years A389 Records has become one of the formeost labels in underground hardcore. Started solely so Dom could release records by his friends the label has grown into something much bigger. With a littlehelp from friends such as Dwid Hellion the label has managed to keep … Read more
As 2019 comes to a close, we caught up with Bloodshot Records, a Chicago-based label that was founded in 1994. The label is celebrating 25 years in 2019. While an official compilation, Too Late to Pray: Defiant Chicago Roots marks that accomplishment (and we definitely think you should check it … Read more
People are going to remember 2020 – though maybe not the way we all imagined back on January 1. Dirtnap Records had originally envisioned a big celebration of the label’s twentieth anniversary. They planned to gather notable bands from the roster of 150+ releases for a weekend-long celebration in Madison, … Read more
Don Giovanni Records started out as many punk labels do: owners Joseph Steinhardt and Zach Gajewski wanted to release their own record, a record that became DG-01 Talk Hard’s Sarah Connor’s Will. Ten years later, the project clearly grew legs. Now based in New Brunswick, NJ, the label has released … Read more
It’s hard to state the impact Kill Rock Stars has over its thirty year history. While long-associated with the Riot Grrl movement, the label is much more than that, with a diverse roster covering punk to singer-songwriter to impossible-to-classify experimentation. Besides introducing influential artists like Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney and Elliott … Read more
Hey folks, Toby here, and the SPB team asked me to provide some insights about some stuff from our catalog now that Red Scare is (you gotta be shittin’ me?!) twenty years old. Specifically a “memory or modern take” on some past releases, and they picked some doozies, so let’s … Read more
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