All our coverage from the long-running music festival
It’s hard to believe that The Fest is in its 20th iteration. The festival always had ambition, but it’s a real testament to still be going 20+ years later. And not just because of pandemic challenges, but because punk bands tend to come and go. It would be impossible to … Read more
A lot has changed since The Fest began, way back in 2002. And while The Fest has evolved in that time, it remains focused on an independent, community experience as much as a showcase for live music. And, naturally, it's going to be impossible to express the comprehensive experience of … Read more
Scene Point Blank has covered The Fest thoroughly since its inception in 2002. The site has personally sent attendees to Fests 6-13, then 17-18 in varied capacity, and we’ve back for The Fest 20. Oh, and we shared some remote memories when shutdowns kept it from happening in 2020, too. … Read more
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