SPB's coverage of the annual festival in Gainesville, Florida.
Cayetana interviews Caves Cayetana: If you guys were action figures what would come with you? Caves: Lou would come with an imaginary German Shepherd (dog) because she had one in real life (imaginary). Minty would probably come with a bazooka made of pizza and sparkles that shoots rainbows quite a … Read more
Caves interviews Cayetana Caves: Cayetana, that's a cool name! Where does it come from? Cayetana: We named our band after a good friend of ours, Cayetano, because he's an awesome dude and a fantastic artist. Caves: If Cayetana were breakfast, what would be on my plate? Cayetana: Tofu scramble, potatoes … Read more
Like its 12 predecessors, Fest 13 offered something new. The growing festival has made a mark in the DIY punk community in its layout, booking, and overall feel and, while it has a certain brand and stylistic focus, the 350+ band event is also able to shapeshift annually, sprouting new … Read more
We chatted to Maxwell Stern of Signals Midwest and Leo Vergnetti of Captain, We’re Sinking: Scene Point Blank: At what point, post Fest, do you feel like you've again entered the real world? For me, it is when I hit the Atlanta airport and realize tattoos and arms covered in … Read more
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