Night Birds made a name for themselves quickly. Sure, the guys have played in some well-known bands beforehand, but with only one proper full-length to their name (2011’s The Other Side of Darkness) and a foot-tall stack of 7-inches, the band has been quite active. In prep for Fest 11, … Read more
Fest 11 had a hell of a lot of big names: Propagandhi, Frank Turner, Titus Andronicus, Good Riddance, Dwarves. It’s tempting to push your way up front in the sweaty, spacious floor area of The Florida Theater, 8 Seconds, or The New Top Spot, but Fest isn’t just about those … Read more
Living in Minneapolis, I’ve seen a number of Soviettes shows on the local calendars over the past few years. With the band announcing a hiatus back in 2006, and a couple of reunions to celebrate the LP IV rarities compilation, I had long wondered what the band’s official status was. … Read more
The Cincinnati, Ohio three-piece Vacation are some active musicians. The band was formed to give them a local outlet, as other projects featured out-of-town members, and has quickly grown. They band just released two new 7”s and a tape, and are working on a follow-up to 2011’s self-titled release on … Read more
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