I will be honest here. I have always loved horror movies but never got around to seeing the original Dawn Of the Dead before the re-make. In the past, I had never really experienced any of the real famous zombie movies, such as The Night, Dawn, Day series, Zombie, etc. … Read more
In the days of 1975, a lot of shit was goin' down. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but there was. Oh! Wait, that OPEC thing . . . no, that was early 80's. Whatever, stuff happened. Despite all this, Roger Corman came out with … Read more
There are spoilers contained within this review. After the credits have rolled, Ben Stiller's character White Goodman reappears on the screen after being humiliated in the International Dodgeball Tournament. Goodman states that 'once again the good guys won and the bad guys lost.' He goes on to further explain how … Read more
WARNING TO READER: Potential spoilers ahead. This is more of an analysis than a review, though I do cover formal elements such as acting, direction, and plot. Just for a moment, engage in a thought process. Revive old memories through seemingly unrelated ones, relate them, and make sense of them. … Read more
Basic Plot Synopsis: Andrew Largeman, an aspiring actor in L.A, is forced to return to his hometown in New Jersey after the unexpected death of his mother. During his brief stay he reconnects with his high school chums, confronts his distant father, falls in love, and discovers exactly what it … Read more
'Dis a good movie. It has some flaws. Now that that is out of the way, I ask, does anybody actually take reviews into consideration? I guess Daniel Radcliffe's and Alfonso Cuaron's wages aren't really dependent on whether I give this movie good press or not, so I'm just going … Read more
*Disclaimer: This review has some specifics about certain scenes in the movie, so if you don't want to know anything about it before seeing, then don't read this. There are a lot of movies about war, about stuff blowing up and soldiers dying to save one another amidst a hail … Read more
As an employee of Blockbuster, it's easy to see that where moviegoing is concerned, there's always a bold line that separates the Happy Gilmores from the Punch-Drunk Loves. I'm referring specifically to those who think that Adam Sandler's career went downhill by starring in an ironically-labeled "stupid, pointless art film," … Read more
One of the things I admire the most about Quentin Tarantino's writing, which is particularly evident in Kill Bill: Volume 1, is his ability to seamlessly combine the comedic with the dramatic, and the slow-paced with the fast-paced. A great example of the former is the scene where the bride, … Read more
This is the best movie of the summer. There, I said it. Now, if you're a trusting individual you'll take my word for it, stop reading right here, and go out right now and buy your ticket for tonight's showing. But, if you're a skeptic, like myself, you probably are … Read more
No matter which route we take to work each day it is highly probable that we will pass by the most widely recognized symbol in the entire galaxy: The Golden Arches. Proudly displayed beneath each pair is the approximate number of people who have contributed to McDonald's corporately sponsored march … Read more
In 1974, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was released. The film became known for sparking a myriad of "slasher" films and cheese/camp horror, which is actually rather sad, since the films TCM often gets credit/blamed for are not all that relatable to Tobe Hooper's masterpiece. The comparisons are a mere symptom … Read more
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