Top 5 Modern Goth Records of 2013
What is modern goth? I suppose it's bands that take on the aesthetics of the height of 80s gothic sounds and twist them into something a little fresher, but nonetheless, still absolutely dark. These five records are gothic and mysterious, a tad eerie and they're a little post-punk in places. More than that, they're all deliciously pitch black.
Beastmilk - Climax
Svart Records
Beastmilk's name is probably not the best of band monikers around, but their brand of goth rock is delightfully dark. Featuring Mat McNerney of Hexvessel on vocals, Beastmilk manage to breathe life into the genre and take it into new dimensions every single time.
In Solitude - Sister
Metal Blade Records
With a cover that conjures memories of Joni Mitchell's Blue and a line in heavy metal that far exceeds 2011s The World, The Flesh, The Devil, Sweden's In Solitude have created a record that goes beyond the darkside and finds solace in the night.
LowCityRain - LowCityRain
Prophecy Productions
With gorgeous soundscapes that make you feel as though you're driving through a neon-lit 80s city (think Drive without the violence) LowCityRain's debut ebbs with a strong sense of sadness. The project of Markus Siegenhort of Lantlôs is a new wave highlight.
Soror Dolorosa - No More Heroes
Northern Silence/Beneath Grey Skies
No More Heroes is a record that wears its heart right on its lapel and the French band have here an album that revels in the past as well as the now. Soror Dolorosa are a group that have surpassed ther debut (Blind Scenes) in an incredibley morose way.
Vaura - The Missing
Profound Lore Records
Vaura's base is in more metallic tones and the combined hisotry of the bands creeps into the blast beat style of the drums and into the almost black metal thrum of the guitar. Yet, the vocal grounds The Missing in far deeper and sensual territory and allows Vaura to fully embrace the darkness.