My dear Isabella, It has been an unduly extended period since my previous communication, and I apologize for my unproportioned replies to your correspondence. I cannot but carry doubt that your yearnings to set your eyes upon the ink of my quill have been uncountable. Oh my dear, I have recently alighted with a peculiar piece of American art! A … Read more
Everyone needs something cute every once in a while... once in a while. Too much can make you vomit, but a little dose can make you feel a lot better about things. Mates of State's latest album, Team Boo might just be the appropriate prescription. Kori Gardner and Jason Hammel are a married couple from San Francisco playing in a … Read more
What if Ringo finally realized that he wasn't selling out shows like his buddy Paul? What if Paul's queen may have drained her spending account and put a considerable hole in his? What if both were afraid of their ties to an alleged murderer? The Beatles have seen their share of these sticky situations, and how do they get themselves … Read more
Having carved a comfortable niche in the San Francisco Bay Area, by playing shows almost constantly for three or so years, Under A Dying Sun have created an album that breaks away from their original "emocore" sound, which judging by their last full-length, they have clearly out-grown. Instead of rehashing the same, tired, "screamo" formula with heavy melodramatics and melodic … Read more
I told my little sister that Tuesday night that Elliot Smith had killed himself. I couldn't say I was surprised when she responded with a "Who's that?" Yet, I had a gleam of hope that in some way, she would understand what had happened, that she would be as shocked as I had when I heard the news. Yet, she … Read more
Intricately layered, the Rum Diary's music creates a melodic topography of strident, staccato peaks and mellifluous, melodic valleys that can bring about any emotional reaction. It wouldn't have been at all surprising if while playing live, these guys did something like facing the floor the whole time, too involved in their brooding to only acknowledge the audience with a brief … Read more
We interviewed Jordan Blilie, half of the Blood Brothers' dual vocal attack, in a room with the couch, walls and table, all covered in cow spots. I think the Blood Brothers were assigned to the wrong dressing room. It is difficult to associate cows with the Blood Brothers. As hard as I try, I cannot find a single bovine quality … Read more
A popular fansite for The Cure, Chain of Flowers has announced news of a possible new Cure tour: (A Lollapalooza/Ozzfest type of tour, with The Cure, Interpol, The Rapture and more bands to be announced later) June/July 2004 - European Festivals July/August 2004 - North America September/October 2004 - Europe … Read more
It seems that every time a new Wilco album comes around, drama follows with it. Today, the Chicago Tribute explained the delay in the release of the bands newest album A Ghost Is Born being caused by Jeff Tweedy's being checked into a rehab clinic: "Wilco singer Jeff Tweedy canceled … Read more
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