La Dispute’s 2011 post-hardcore masterpiece Wildlife was not only the highlight release of that year, but one of the finest records that I myself have humbly observed. Personal accolades aside, this opinion is one shared by many others, and not without due reason. Wildlife represented at the time of it's release not only an extended display of unbridled emotionality, but … Read more
Dan Barrett and Tim Macuga’s original gloom-filled masterpiece deathconsciousness managed to pique the interest of the collective interweb persona back in 2008, where an eager audience received the monolithic double-release with a certain trepidatious appreciation. Inaccessible to many thanks to the duo’s characteristically abject bleakness and startlingly desolate atmosphere, it went on to become an instant classic among the cult … Read more
Canadian sound artist Tim Hecker is no stranger to the more esoteric side of electronic composition. Continued experimentation with increasingly nuanced ambient soundscapes under said moniker for six full-length releases, as well as countless side appearances, has inevitably led to the creation of something undeniably unique. With the release of Virgins- now Hecker's seventh effort - the bohemian Montreal resident … Read more
Heading over to their account, the light hearted description ‘Australian for Deafheaven’ doesn’t exactly seem to serve as an appropriate designation for Brisbane based black metal troupe Hope Drone. Sure, the atypical approach towards standard genre fare is evident, and the lush, wide production on this 4 track release certainly draws parallels. Though it is likely more of a … Read more
The quaint and urbane mask of Hobart, Tasmania is perhaps not a true representation of the many creative perturbations that occur beneath its often-quiet streets. After personally spending some time as a Hobart resident in late 2013, I know that there is something to be said about the combination of the constant wind-chill, the enigmatic River Derwent and looming omnipresence … Read more
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