Beep Beep, Sonic Youth, Made In Mexico, Daniel Johnston, Neutral Milk Hotel, Yndi Halda, T. Rex, Some Girls, Violent Femmes, Arab on Radar, Ex Models, The Oblivians, Nick Cave, Quintron, Bob Dylan, Ex Models, Frank Zappa, The Velvet Underground, Joanna Ne
Spencer Krug may be our generation's Robert Pollard. Both seem to excrete music. Both create surreal visions full of vibrant characters and dense metaphor. Like Pollard's best albums, Dragonslayer sweeps us across a landscape replete with broken lovers and ephemeral romance and lonesome dirges. The connections between characters, images, and ideas are easier to spot than on 2007's more elusive … Read more
n theory, this band should be really, really fucking good - a supergroup composed of three accomplished artists already involved with various supergroups of their own. Dan Bejar (Destroyer, New Pornographers), Carey Mercer (Frog Eyes, Blackout Beach) and Spencer Krug (Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown) collaborating and throwing around their signature esoteric surrealist sounds like a aural feast. Buzz surrounding Enemy … Read more
The title for Philadelphia act mewithoutYou's fourth album comes from Parable 518 of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen's The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh where he writes, "It's all false, It's all a dream, It's all crazy, It's all over, It's all right, Let's see what's next." Perhaps better than any others, these words mirror the band's evolution from their screamish [A->B] … Read more
After his thorough touring of each continental U.S. state (and several abroad) in an apparent effort to sate a sort of Sal Paradisian wanderlust, it is not difficult to begin to mythologize Jon Crocker's career and sonic development. It's interesting then, how nearly every red-meat note and yellow-cheeked syllable Crocker delivers manages to feel so innocuous, while still maintaining its … Read more
Recently, SPB had the opportunity to interview Justin Pearson, the mastermind behind the holy trinity of grind, The Locust, Some Girls, and 31G Records . Justin was straightforward and uncensored, as always. Scene Point Blank: Your sound is aggressive and caustic, but it lacks the caustic soulless masculinity that defines the genre. Can you talk for a bit about why … Read more
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