Late 90\'s melodic hardcore superfan. I could sit here and list every single band I like but who honestly reads those after the fifth band listed? My favorite band is Lifetime.
The Ergs have suddenly become everyone’s favorite pop-punk and with good reason. They contribute two songs of fun catchy songs about girls that will no doubtingly be stuck in your head for weeks on end. Grabass Charlestons come to me as a bit of a surprise. I was expecting either some cowpunk or Hot Water Music inspired rock, but instead … Read more
Well anyone that names themselves after Floorpunch most be good right? Well Twin Killing is. Fast youth crew styled hardcore with prerequisite breakdowns, singalongs, and everything else that makes a good hardcore good. However Twin Killing doesn't win any points in the originality bracket and everything on ...If This Could Last Forever you have heard before if you own anything … Read more
The first track sounds like Kid Dynamite so right away I thought I found a new melodic hardcore band to fall in love with. Then there's track two...okay...this sounds like Quicksand or Handsome. The only way I can tell it's the same band is the vocals, which are far too gruff for this type of post hardcore rock. It's still … Read more
Night Owls are a relatively new rock band from Syracuse New York. They have ex-members of some notable bands from hardcore recent past, but they only one I'd like to mention is Spark Lights the Friction who put out a great album on Trustkill many moons ago. Anyhow, Night Owls play rocking post hardcore that reminds of Quicksand boxing it … Read more
I woke up today at 5:30am to get my ass to the store to open it for what I figured would be another boring Sunday at work. Work has been boring thankfully because it gave me a chance to catch up on my internet lurking. My computer finally shit itself … Read more
Yesterday during rush hour traffic on 35W the bridge than spans the mighty Mississippi fell. There was no earthquake. There was no terrorist attack. The bridge just buckled and toppled cars into each other and into the watery depths below. I watched in complete shock as the local newscasters scrambled … Read more
Boxing Day (ex members of No Harm Done and Offsides) posted their demo for download on their myspace. If you like melodic hardcore, you will like this. Read more
According to Modern Life is War's website the band has signed to Equal Vision Records and is planning a new album which will be recorded by Jay Robbins. Here is a statement from vocalist Jeffrey Eaton: We chose to sign with Equal Vision for a couple reasons. Number One, because … Read more
Chuck Ragan, formerly of Hot Water Music has posted a demo recording "4:30am" on his Mypace page. This song will be from the split with Austin Lucas on Germany's Hometown Caravan Records. Read more
Just when you think all the great band names are taken... Read more Equal Vision Records have signed Dear and the Headlights. The band had this to say about the signing: We are very happy to tell you all that we have officially signed a record deal with Equal Vision … Read more
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