"The Colour" are out and about - I guess. Yeah, okay. Center singer dude here sounds kind of like Robert Smith, guy from that one band, and sometimes sounds like...like notimportantenoughformetoknowhisnameleadsingerofHOTHOTHEAT (who are pretty much over at this point). The Cure is kind of 'in' again so yeah, who knows if this band will rise to fame or not with … Read more
Apparently the title of Les Georges Leningrad's latest translates to "Two Hot Dogs Mustard Cabbage." Whatever. I don't actually own this record. I downloaded it, and for some reason, the titles are different than what how the group's website lists them. I don't feel shame for downloading, but I'd like to state that I do regret not having this on … Read more
Of all the bands I've liked at one point, I don't think I've received quite as much flack for any as much as I have Pedro the Lion. I've never quite 'gotten' the abhorrence some have felt for the band, as vocalist and lyricist David Bazan seems to teeter just far enough between both gratingly annoying and remarkably above par … Read more
So here I am. Thinking of everything else I could be doing that does not include listening to the never-ending song by the Animal Collective. Forward. Sorry! I really do like them, they are doing "Something Different" and "Breaking New Ground", even. They're interesting, cryptic... in fact, this is the perfect record to add to your collection to prove just … Read more
'Dis a good movie. It has some flaws. Now that that is out of the way, I ask, does anybody actually take reviews into consideration? I guess Daniel Radcliffe's and Alfonso Cuaron's wages aren't really dependent on whether I give this movie good press or not, so I'm just going to say everything I remember having crossed my mind while … Read more
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