After the 90's, it seems that any vegan straightedge band seems hell-bent on pigeonholing itself into being a metalcore or melodic death metal band, with good reason, too. Abnegation's foray into death metal, Verses of the Bleeding, sucked and Earth Crisis's attempts to become like Pantera were lukewarm at best. Kingdom tries their hand at stepping outside of the box … Read more
Apart from one of the best names a metal band can have, Heaven Shall Burn is one of the most consistently awesome and bulletproof metal acts around today. In a time where metal has slipped into trendiness and self parody thanks to bands like Dragonforce and The Sword, Heaven Shall Burn crush the poseurs and those of weak fortitude with … Read more
Mediocrity is not a hard thing to come by in the metalcore genre. In fact, since every metalcore band has decided to rip off Prayer for Cleansing and Heaven Shall Burn, metalcore has become a little too stagnant in this As All That Killswitch Remains Dying "scene." She Killed Poetry would easily fall off the radar for me, for this … Read more
Few and the Proud really needs no introduction other than the fact that they are, and always will be, straightedge. The lyrics insert makes the claim that "a new era has begun," but more on that later. The record begins with the intro "Trampled." And by the time it was over, I was sure this record was going to be … Read more
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