Retro music as retro as this is not something I listen to a lot. Nick Waterhouse is the closest comparison I can make that I actually listen to. So why on earth am I reviewing this album, you might wonder? Well, I discovered their label last year. Wap Shoo Wap is a Dutch label specialized in old school punk and … Read more
Somehow I never reviewed Viva Belgrado before, even though I have followed them since their debut album Flores, Carne. Somehow I was always a bit late to the show and thought: ok, this time I am too late, but next time I will catch this release on time! Well, the band just released their fourth full length and guess what? … Read more
Confession time: I was going to burn this record to the ground. I wasn’t writing a review yet, just listening to the album, but I had some really not nice things to say. And then everything changed. Why? Well, I decided to see if my problems with the album could be solved by playing it from another source. I thought … Read more
The Manikins previous album, 2019s Bad Times, was my encounter with The Manikins. We started off a bit weird, as I read their name as The Mankinis for a while. I expect different music from a band with a name like that. I did like that album after I ditched my assumptions and stopped messing up the band name. It … Read more
I’ve talked about having a writer’s block this year. So when I set myself down (after a stern talk to motivate myself) I looked at this blank page thinking: what on earth should I discuss this time around? At first I thought I would put another couple of labels in the spotlight. I still like how my previous column turned … Read more
Lately I have been struggling with something of a writer's block. But what better way to deal with that than writing about it, huh? I started this year off with the intention of writing a bit more, as I realized I didn’t review as much as I had wanted to. Two months, and a couple of reviews later, I find … Read more
Last year was a strange year. A lot happened in my private life which led to me not doing as much as I wanted to do. Some negative, but mostly positive. However, no matter how positive the events were, it cost me a lot of energy. With my energy and attention drained at other places, I did not have a … Read more
Earlier this year I reviewed The Leaves Of Autumn Symmetry. I really enjoyed the EP. So, when the band contacted us if I wanted to do an interview my first thought was it could be awesome to catch a glimpse behind the creative process of this band. You can read the end result of our short and pleasant exchange here. … Read more
The Carvels NYC might not be enjoying the fact that playing live in 2020 was not possible. However, you will not hear any complaints from my side when it means they are this productive. Earlier this year they made the best of the situation releasing their debut full-length. And now … Read more
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