Might as well has this here too, it's been three years since I wrote it. I think it still holds true.
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My name is Graham Isador, the prodigal son of tradition and crackers.
I am eighteen years old and would rather …
Picture this: You’re looking at the front of a stage. Above you a man in a suit made entirely of muscles walks on in a shroud of fog. From far away his eyes seem to take up half of his face and his straggly salt and pepper hair spurts off …
“We were standing in the middle of the square. There were snipers on the roof. Riot cops all around. People had already been killed. And she turned to me and said: we could die at any second, are you okay with that? And I thought, well, this is where I …
Earlier this week I was browsing my twitter feed when I noticed the a number of posts using the hashtag #ImagineOctober20th . The tweets were Canadians speculating on what the country might look like if the Conservatives are voted out of power in the October 19th federal election. …
THE TOP FIVE ACTS ON THE RIOT FEST UNDERCARD Last year I started my Riot Fest coverage by getting kicked in the head and ended it with a man drinking whisky out of a catheter bag. In between some bands played. While topping that experience will be difficult, …
Lee's Palace
Torononto, Ontario
October 15, 2015
In support of their new album All a Man Should Do, Lucero have been pulling double duty on their latest tour and playing two sets a night. Walking into Thursday’s concert at Lee’s Palace, the …
Last week when a friend, and occasional love interest, suggested we check out the Toronto Symphony Orchestra for one of our is this a date or is this not a date meet ups, I felt my stomach drop a little bit. To me the symphony has always seemed hopelessly …
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