2003 might seem like forever ago for some, possibly even two years ago for the majority of us. There were many good releases in those twelve months. Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses was one of these. So naturally I was very excited for The Number Twelve Looks Like You's …
The Number Twelve Looks Like You have always been that band that would come close to winning me over, but never impressed me enough for me to listen to their albums more than three or four times. With their previous release, Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear, there were songs I thought were …
The Number Twelve Looks Like You have always been a very unorthodox band to say the least. They've been trying something new with each album and it's no different with their latest album, Worse Than Alone. Pinning them to one genre is difficult because they incorporate so many different …
I can't help but wonder what the music world would be like without experimentation. Sure, the first to try something different is often shunned, but their willingness to try something different is what makes them so great. While perhaps not a genre-defining move, the direction that Skin Like Iron have …
Like Wolves is the latest product from the upstate regions of New York - Rochester/Buffalo/Syracuse. This record is the band's demo recording pressed on a limited silk-screened 7". What you get from Like Wolves is fast and aggressive hardcore with metal-tinged accents. The music is somewhat gritty and the production …
Have you ever gone to a show for one artist or band that you look forward to seeing so much and, instead, walk away talking about one of the openers so much more because of the impression that they left (and that is not a knock on the band or …
A void was left in the world for those that enjoyed the jangly indie pop of Saturday Looks Good To Me when the group disbanded sometime following a tour in 2008 leaving us all wondering if we would ever hear the fun and sweet music that only Fred Thomas and …
Imagine my pleasant surprise when the reissue of the long out of print vinyl version of the Saturday Looks Good To Me album Every Night was announced, and even pleasant surprise might be underselling just how excited I was to hear that the LP was being reissued because I had …
"Move the flipping* Audi [away from the front of the club]!" shouted one of the members of the Washington Social Club to the audience. They drew quite a crowd -including an Audi - for a headlining show at the Black Cat in Washington DC. I was not intrigued at first …
If Myspace, YouTube, and various messegeboards have shown me anything in 2006, it is that kids love to mosh. From videos of kids moshing in their bedroom, living rooms, classrooms, and even in the middle of the street, kids across America love throwing the fuck down. The problem is that …
MSTRKRFT (Master Craft, for those of you who - like me - didn't catch on right away) is the brainchild of Death from Above 1979 bassist Jesse F. Keeler and producer Al-P. An electronic two-piece in the same vein as veterans Daft Punk and relative newcomers Hot Chip, the pair …
Before the release of Twelve Small Steps, One Giant Disappointment, frontman Joey Cape willingly admitted that the record does not measure up to what it should have been, and not many bands would ever publicly admit something like that, but not many bands have experienced the tragedy that befell …
Being an objective reviewer, I will try and ignore the grossly overboard hyperbole contained in their press sheet. But this is fairly serviceable post-emo rock release from the mid-west. The guitars have flashes of hooks here and there throughout this record. The lyrics seem to have a very focused target …
Loss Of Self first garnered attention following the release of their eponymous 2012 demo. With much acclaim following their unique take on the modern trend of positive sounding black metal, it was no surprise that genre label The Flenser saw potential in the lo-fi three-track effort. Now, with Twelve Minutes …
One of the few perks of writing reviews is that you get stuffed mailed to you all the time. Sure you may not enjoy every single record that you receive, but every once in a while you'll get something new and invigorating. I was previously unaware of this band's existence …
It wasn't long ago that Texas natives This Will Destroy You were nothing more than a well-kept secret. But thanks to a solid debut album and a little luck the band went from practically unknowns to indie music darlings. As a result the band's debut full-length, This Will Destroy You, …
At one point during Kids Like You & Me, the documentary chronicling Atlanta "flower-punks" the Black Lips' 2012 tour through the Middle East, drummer Joe Bradley remarks that it would be easy for the band to go out and book a tour in North America or even Europe …
Let me just give all of you a big fat heads up: Blood Money Records sold out of this demo, so if you were thinking it wasn't hot shit, or that because you aren't from Denver and haven't heard of Fight Like Hell, you are very mistaken. Turns out, anybody …
It's a Saturday afternoon and I'm at present stuck at work flipping through a copy of the latest Alternative Press magazine. Good literature it isn't, an easy read between calls it is. This particular issue sitting in my lap contains a feature on the hundred bands that are going to …
Most demos you hear today can be put into two categories. The first is a bunch of fifteen year old kids recording painfully generic hardcore/metalcore in their parents' garage with terrible sound quality coming from Nowheretown, USA, desperately looking for your Myspace add. The second is usually a lineup littered …