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Content matching "mutoid man"

285 total search results — Page 9 of 15

Oede – One Man's Trash

Review — July 17, 2012

It may be safe to say that since the Holy Terror Record label has been revived they have managed to get on quite a roll. The records they have released have all managed to be a bit different while still carrying a certain aesthetic darkness. With label mates such as …

Tommy Stinson – One Man Mutiny

Review — December 12, 2011

In the long-honored tradition of solo records from Guns N’ Roses members, Tommy Stinson delivers One Man Mutiny. Of course, Stinson has an intriguing back story—he joined the legendary Replacements at age 13, playing with them and even getting manager Peter Jesperson to sign off as a legal guardian …

Andrew Jackson Jihad – Knife Man

Review — November 14, 2011

Andrew Jackson Jihad runs the folk-punk gamut—they’ve put out a split with Ghost Mice, play The Fest more or less annually, and they’re a two-piece mostly acoustic band comprised of Sean Bonnette (guitar) and Ben Gallaty (bass). Now that I’ve lumped them in with a number of other acts, …

Gore – Mean Man's Dream (Reissue)

Review — July 12, 2009

A great deal of hyperbole flies around regarding re-issues, which in it of themselves can be very tricky propositions, particularly ones that may or may not be integral to have a re-issue. Gore no longer exists as a unit, but the three piece's legacy resonates today in heavy (be it …

Deerhoof – Milk Man

Review — March 15, 2004

Deerhoof, never one to rest on their laurels, is back in 2004 with Milk Man. Things seem to be the same as always as the public wonders, "Can Deerhoof really top Apple O'?" The same question was asked this time last year except it was Apple O' being …

Deep Snapper – A Drowning Man Can Pull You Under

Review — June 9, 2009

Hailing from Texas, Deep Snapper give listeners A Drowning Man Can Pull You Under, a roiling ten track album that pops the whole time that it plays with nary a downtime in sight. Okay, maybe there are some slower numbers but they augment the record. After reading about them …

The Tallest Man on Earth – There's No Leaving Now

Review — January 12, 2013

Sweden’s Kristian Matsson (more popularly known as the Tallest Man On Earth) first found himself atop a mountain of praise in 2010 following the release of The Wild Hunt, wheedling his way into the hearts of many with soothing melodies and uplifting energy. Relying almost entirely on just his …

Since By Man – We Sing the Body Electric

Review — February 25, 2004

For a genre such as hardcore, it's hard for a band to sound different... or good, for that matter. I dislike hardcore music, but this sounded like an emo-core/hardcore hybrid. Since By Man is the best hardcore band I've ever listened to - they play fairly fast (or, at least, …

Primitive Man – Immersion

Review — August 31, 2020

Writing about music is a bit like being an anthropologist. The kind who immerses themselves in a culture to better understand it. Not the kind who comes up with whacked-out theories while staring blankly at the wall of the faculty lounge (or I guess now, their kitchen cupboards between Zoom …

Primitive Man – Home Is Where The Hatred Is

Review — March 2, 2015

When listening to the debut album of Primitive Man, Scorn, back in 2013, one thing became perfectly clear about them: they are fucking serious about their music. The blackened sludge band from Denver does not exhibit the signs of their friendlier counterparts within the subgenre. Their dystopic vision back …

Old Man Gloom – The Ape Of God

Review — December 15, 2014

THIS IS A FAKE REVIEW!! Old Man Gloom sent out a fake version of the album to the reviewers in order to avoid the actual albums (yeah that’s right! Albums!) from leaking before the release date. So what can I say? The Gloom and The Ape got me. Still, …

Son Of Man – Burn The Witch EP

Review — October 20, 2014

The possible hermits of Son Of Man have returned after their all too brief burner of a debut the band has reconvened for something even more nasty and dark. With the release of a new EP on a new label they have managed to up the ante overall. While the …

Portugal. The Man – Evil Friends

Review — July 8, 2013

Portugal. The Man thrives in a music scene often reluctant of drastic change in a band's sound. Meanwhile, the Alaskan natives have spent the last seven years transcending and switching gears entirely with each new release, and pulling it off well. Having originally dabbled in experimental prog, Portugal went on …

Old Man Gloom – Christmas

Review — October 13, 2004

After an extensive delay, the rabid and hopeful fans sporting various Hydrahead affiliated t-shirts can finally rest. Old Man Gloom's Christmas brings an end to a three year drought since the simultaneous release of full-lengths Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism and Seminar III: Zozobra back in 2001. The …

Since By Man – Pictures from the Hotel Apocalypse

Review — November 25, 2005

Was it really only two years ago that Since By Man unleashed their debut CD, We Sing the Body Electric? Granted, an EP in the form of A Love Hate Relationship was designed to tide over their salivating audience in between tours and writing sessions, but personally it feels like …

Man Overboard – Hung Up on Nothing

Review — June 30, 2009

Man Overboard is the latest bubble-gum pop-punk band to come around, joining the existing one hundred thousand others. This four-piece hails from New Jersey, and like so many others they take influence from groups like Blink 182. I'm not blaming Man Overboard by any means, but I'm starting to get …

Yo Man Go – Life Lessons

Review — May 2, 2008

Yo Man Go hail from the eastern part of Pennsylvania and they play melodic punk that'll please fans whose record collections boast releases from the No Idea and Fat Wreck catalogs. This two song 7" is the first issued recording from these punk rock upstarts. "Life Lessons" is a melodic …

Old Man Gloom – No

Review — May 16, 2012

“THEY PLAYED ‘ZOZOBRA’! THEY PLAYED ‘ZOZOBRA’!” Thank you for allowing me to get that out of my system as the shock of seeing Old Man Gloom resume the gloom only just recently is still fresh and firmly entrenched in my mind, and seeing as my wait to see the …

Old Man's Child – Slaves of the World

Review — June 10, 2009

It's been about four years since the last Old Man's Child record and it seems we've been waiting forever for it. The current Dimmu Borgir guitarist Galder has gotten a little more exposure since joining the well-known symphonic metal group, but he hasn't forgotten about his original melodic black metal …

Portugal. The Man – In The Mountain, In The Cloud

Review — July 25, 2011

Few bands have the creative power, material, and time to put out an album annually since its inception. Portugal. The Man do just this, having released their sixth full length album since their 2006 debut, Waiter: “You Vultures!” For such little time between each release, lack of evolvement is of …