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Reviews by Michael

588 total search results — Page 6 of 30

Rise and Fall – Hellmouth

Review — August 16, 2005

This quartet hails from Belgium and obviously has better taste in music than a good portion of the people I cross paths with each day. Whether it is through random conversation, looking at what others are purchasing at records stores, or just flipping through channels on the radio, I keep …

Down to Nothing – Splitting Headache

Review — August 23, 2005

With their debut, Save it for the Birds, the Richmond, Virginia straightedge outfit turned quite a few heads with their high-octane approach to hardcore. The furious noise assault was teamed with vocalist David Wood's straight-to-the-point lyrical approach - I recall the episode of The Simpson's where everyone 'tells it like …

Doomriders – Black Thunder

Review — August 29, 2005

Throughout the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Nazgul have their own musical score. The music that was written for them is dark and operatic; when you hear it, you anticipate awful things to happen. And yet, I feel the choice that was made just wasn't dramatic enough so …

Death Cab For Cutie – Plans

Review — September 12, 2005

With their fifth full-length, indie music darlings Death Cab for Cutie make the jump from 'the little engine that could,' Barsuk Records, to the big-time of Atlantic Records. But don't pick up that rock just yet. Death Cab isn't deserving of the bludgeoning reserved for traitors. With their latest release, …

Cave In – Perfect Pitch Black

Review — September 25, 2005

About a year and a half about I was fortunate enough to catch a Cave In performance at which they debuted a handful of new songs, many of which made their way onto this release. When they played these new songs, they were sprinkled about a set-list of recent songs …

Saltlick – A Face Only a Mother Could Love

Review — October 4, 2005

In recent years country and folk music have had a significant increase in their influence in the genres of indie rock. We have seen albums from Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, and Iron and Wine receive critical acclaim. It's not my right to question why, but it is within reason to …

Ctrlaltdelete – Mondegreens

Review — October 13, 2005

I used to hate 'ctrl,' 'alt,' and 'delete.' Used in succession, it only meant one thing - reboot. That's right! Your computer is fucked and there is nothing you can do. Accept defeat and hit those keys. Anything you were working on is lost forever. But now, I'm kind of …

Know the Score – All Guts, No Glory

Review — October 18, 2005

Some might say that hardcore has gone soft. Those that feel this way have a distorted view of the genre. Hardcore is as explosive and assertive as it has been since its very inception. Florida hardcore outfit Know the Score is a prime example of this. With their debut release, …

Municipal Waste – Hazardous Mutation

Review — October 25, 2005

If you're craving a throwback to the time when thrash metal was at it's height, then look no further than Municipal Waste's Hazardous Mutation. On their Earache Records debut the Richmond, Virginia four-piece deliver the perfect mixture of 80's thrash, crossover, and hardcore/punk. While the result may be nothing more …

Ringworm – Justice Replaced by Revenge

Review — November 9, 2005

It's rather sad that a band as influential as Ringworm has been reduced to being promoted as 'featuring members of Terror.' By no means is this a knock at Terror, they're a solid band and extremely entertaining in a live setting. But Ringworm is a band that has been around …

Killing the Dream – In Place, Apart

Review — November 14, 2005

It wasn't too that ago that Killing the Dream was just a band with a demo. Upon first hearing said demo, I shared it with every single person that I knew telling them "this band is going to be huge." So maybe they're not selling out amphitheatres, but Killing the …

American Werewolves – 1968

Review — November 16, 2005

If you were to randomly walk into a concert venue while American Werewolves were performing you would be extremely fortunate. The four-piece punk outfit from Cleveland delivers a unique blend of Misfits-worship punk, but with an oh so sweet twist. That twist is their incorporation of early - I'm talking …

Hoods – The King is Dead

Review — November 27, 2005

Hoods, the reigning kings of Sacramento hardcore, have endured a lot throughout their decade of existence. The band have released a slew of recordings in all forms - LP's, EP's, splits, and compilations - on a handful of labels. Such an unwillingness to give up is rare for a band, …

Lair of the Minotaur – Cannibal Massacre

Review — December 3, 2005

In 2004 we were treated to Carnage, the debut effort from this throwback thrash/metal outfit from Chicago. If you heard it, good. If not, well, let's just say that the band is highly influenced by the likes of Celtic Frost. Fake metal fans should be sure to Google that name …

At Risk – At Risk

Review — December 9, 2005

This past summer, while vacationing in California, I decided to do the drive down the Pacific Coast Highway. I drove along the winding road that hugs the Pacific coastline as I made my way towards my Los Angeles destination. On the way, I came to the city of Santa Cruz. …

I Am the Avalanche – I Am the Avalanche

Review — December 20, 2005

If you look at the musical resumes of the members of I Am the Avalanche, they are quite impressive. Vocalist Vinnie Caruana fronted the pop-punk band The Movielife; Guitarist Brandon Swanson played in the highly-toted emo/indie rock band Further Seems Forever; bassist Kellen Robson was a member of Long Island …

Renee Heartfelt – Death of the Ghost

Review — December 27, 2005

I often wonder how musicians reach the point in their lives where they want to make a change in their musical endeavors. Perhaps they no longer find the frantic and chaotic world of hardcore/punk interesting. Maybe they have been screaming and breaking shit on stage for so long that they …

Dissolute – Intermittent Parasitic Oscillatior

Review — January 26, 2006

For this Cleveland math-metal band, this release has been a long time coming. It was several years ago that I heard their first demo; the contained music was raw and frantic, yet it showed great promise. Now, seven years later, I am listening to the band's debut full-length, well sort …

Carry On – It's All Our Blood (Reissue)

Review — February 3, 2006

Despite the fact that they are broken up, Carry On is probably the second most talked about band in hardcore - American Nightmare being number one. There is always someone bringing up the band no matter where you go - record stores, concerts, and yes, the Internet. Granted, most of …

Scissorfight – Victory Over Horseshit

Review — February 7, 2006

I'm going to jump right to the point; if you don't like rock-n-roll music, you're not going to like Scissorfight. This New Hampshire outfit plays gritty rock music - this is music for the blue collar working man. So if that is you, grab a case of your favorite beer, …