As a child, I was fortunate enough to grow up with a father who emphasized the importance of 1980's sci-fi/horror. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I possessed the tacit advantage of having no referential perspective. To me Predator 2 and Weird Science were every bit as import as The …
Following the release of volumes 1 & 2 of Noise For Now compilations, which raise awareness and funds for reproductive justice, Noise For Now this time teams up with Artists Rights Alliance with a 16-track compilation to further the cause. Contributions on this new record, out Oct. 18, include Jason …
This October Marky Ramone will be joined by Andrew W.K. on vocals for Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg tour, where they will play up to thirty songs from his catalog across the US and UK. Ramone recently joined Fall Out Boy on stage in Brooklyn to cover some Ramones classics.
I'll keep this short so you kids will understand me. I want the time back I spent listening to this. I feel cheated, robbed, and insulted. This is neither fun nor funny. It's devoid of any worth. It's stupid, it's banal, it's bland. So why does it get a 1.3? …
Andrew Bird is an intelligent and elegant Chicago based musician. He molds his work carefully. To give you an idea of how careful he is, he scrapped his latest album, The Mysterious Production of Eggs, three times to go as far as traveling in-between studios from Chicago, Los Angeles and …
Andrew W.K. is the latest Renaissance man in the world of music. Like others before him, John Lennon and Henry Rollins among others, W.K.'s influence has flourished beyond the boundaries of his musical output. And while many may still see W.K. as "the party guy," his stature in the public …
With the over saturation of the industry, technology making the ability to record a feasible option for anyone who has ever picked up an instrument, and the Internet spreading music like the plague, what's often lost is authenticity. Currently, there are waves upon waves of like sounding bands making it …
If I were to comprise a short list of individuals that I would love to sit down and just have an open-ended conversation with, Andrew W.K. would be at the head of that list. No doubt in my mind. For whatever reason, everything that he does has me on the …
Andrew Hock, of Psalm Zero and, until recently, incredible black metal outfit Castevet, has always seemed a very interesting case, as the two before mentioned bands would let on. And the same interest would be transferred over to the debut album that Hock is putting out under his own …
Perhaps best known as the frontman of Vermont post-punk band The Static Age, Andrew Paley has never been shy about his penchant for playing solo acoustic songs. Where The Static Age's sound is sound is distantly confrontational and awash with the vivid colours of late nights, Paley's solo …
"The world's on fire and I don't feel a thing at all." Sung with a breezy nonchalance, Andrew Paley's prescient lyrics on "Caroline", including the admission "I've been raging at headlines", sound like they were written at the exact moment you're hearing them. On his second album Scattered Light, …
British Artists – Francis Bacon
by Andrew Brighton
Tate Publishing
Comprehensive and holistic in nature, The British Artist Series books employ the insights of art luminaries to illuminate the most renowned artists in the history of Britannica. This time the focus is on one …
Andrew WK
Manning Bar
Sydney, Australia
August 26, 2018
While Andrew WK himself might not have changed, the way his oeuvre has evolved and come a long way since he had what seemed like “everyone” singing along to what became a bona fide synth metal …