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Reviews by Kevin

266 total search results — Page 4 of 14

Hell Within – Shadows of Vanity

Review — August 7, 2007

Taken verbatim from the initial notes of the reviewer: Starts out promisingly enough with Derek Jay beating the snare like he just caught it pooching his wife. Same energy as early Metallica (hey kids! remember them?). Vocalist reminiscent of the Avenged Sevenfold dude. Christ, I hope he looks cooler.) …

By Night – A Shape of New Desperation

Review — August 7, 2007

Where to begin, where to begin... For starters they're Swedish, which would normally be a plus, but in this case it is not because they opt to sound like every other 'Mercan scream-core band you've ever heard and that's really about it. Do you like Lamb of God? Do you …

Obscurus Advocam – Verbia Daemonicus

Review — August 7, 2007

I've been told that France has been home to a few good bands over the years, but like you, aside from Air I'd be hard pressed to name them. Sure we've read about those wacky French kids jumping on the church-burning, murderous bandwagon, but can they play music? Well, let's …

Glorior Belli – Manifesting the Raging Beast

Review — August 7, 2007

See: Obscurus Advocam Just kidding. But let's face it. They are pretty interchangeable, no? Both bands are the vision of French musician Infestuus. Both bands are all just too melodic. Now, call me old-fashioned but melody has no place in black metal. Bleak, sure. Twisted? Frightening? Suffocating? These are all …

Matadors – Flame the Whisper

Review — August 7, 2007

Yippeeeee! It's Matadors time! Plug it in and lets party like it's 1992! Yes, that's right. 1992! Forget those bands of way back when. Gas Huffer. Mother Love Bone. The Mono Men. All great bands that never had a tribute band until now (zing!). Fifteen years late, but who the …

Goon Moon – Licker's Last Leg

Review — August 9, 2007

Let's not beat around the bush. Licker's Last Leg is the album Queens of the Stone Age should have put out instead of the bands recent Era Vulgaris. Why the comparison? Well, there's the obvious one founder/vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Chris Goss has long been the unofficial fifth Queens of the Stone …

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum – In Glorious Times

Review — August 22, 2007

If you've never seen Sleepytime Gorilla Museum live, do yourself the favor the next time they come to your town, berg or hamlet. They might not necessarily become your new favorite band, but I guarantee you won't regret having gone. The flip side to being such a great live act …

Stalaggh – Projekt Misanthropia

Review — September 3, 2007

When John Zorn released his Kristallnacht album, it contained one track of sheer horror, anger, and sorrow all rolled into one. Entitled "Never Again," Zorn did his utmost to convey his interpretation of the "Night of Broken Glass." The track is essentially just that: over eleven minutes of the unbearable …

Municipal Waste – The Art of Partying

Review — September 6, 2007

Municipal Waste likes to party. How do I know this? Well, there's the album title. Couple that with songs like "Beer Pressure," "Born to Party," and "Chemically Altered" and you don't exactly have to be Veronica Mars to connect the dots. It also goes without saying we're not exactly dealing …

Public Enemy – How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???

Review — September 12, 2007

Soul (noun) : A sense of ethnic pride among Black people and especially African Americans, expressed in areas such as language, social customs, religion, and music. relevant (adjective) : Connected with or saying something important about what is being spoken about or discussed It's been twenty years since the release …

Patton Oswalt – Werewolves and Lollipops

Review — September 17, 2007

For the most part, humor is always subjective. Not in this case, however. If Patton Oswalt doesn't make you laugh, then you, my sad little friend are wrong. Dead wrong. So wrong in fact, that I can't even look at you. Go on. Get out of my sight. Go …

Flobots – Fight with Tools

Review — September 20, 2007

Every era has seen the chocolate/peanut butter combination of music and activism mixed together to create the tasty sensation of protest music. Long derided as "hippie shit" by those too lazy to listen, the protest song has been a ubiquitous form spanning the last century. Okay, maybe not the eighties, …

Death Breath – Let it Stink

Review — September 27, 2007

Alright, let's look at the stats: Name: Death Breath. A truly ridiculous name for a band of any genre Albums: Stinking Up the Night, Let it Stink. Are you kidding? Album Covers: Pictures of zombies, paintings of zombies. The new EP featuring a parody of The …

Foo Fighters – Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace

Review — September 30, 2007

In their twelve or so years as a band, Foo Fighters have had a more than respectable career. This is equally impressive as it would seem that no one ever thought it would last, including frontman/founder Dave Grohl. As the sole member at the time, Grohl recorded all the instruments …

The Ruins of Beverast – Rain Upon the Impure

Review — October 3, 2007

This is the only album I've ever heard that sounds like it should have been wrapped in a shroud. Relentlessly bleak and resoundingly brilliant, this project of Nagelfar (no, the other one*) drummer Alexander Von Meilenwald is the best ambient black metal album to come around since .well, since the …

Carrie Biell – When Your Feet Hit the Stars

Review — October 10, 2007

Amy Winehouse. Lily Allen. Jenny Lewis. All are media darlings. Despite any and all current public backlash, neither lady could release an album of humming in an aluminum coffee tin without the pundits all standing and cheering - the applause deafening. Carrie Biell deserves this adoration more than any of …

PJ Harvey – White Chalk

Review — October 14, 2007

Beginning with her 1992 debut album Dry, much has been made of Polly Jean Harvey seemingly reinventing herself with every release that followed. For anyone else, this would be a gimmick, a hook - thus making the work less than sincere. But the calculation ends with the realization that …

Sons of Azrael – The Conjuration of Vengeance

Review — October 22, 2007

"Trail of Flesh," "Sweet Blasphemy," and "Scent of a Dead Whore". Sure, we all know these titles as classic children's books, but did you know that they've been adapted into songs by a group called Sons of Azrael? Yes, that's right - all your favorite bedtime stories set to music …

Alcest – Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde

Review — October 22, 2007

To listen to "Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde" (which translates into Memories Of Another World) is to experience a world free of pain, darkness, and despair, and to enter a world of beauty and harmony. The scenario that such an album paints is one where pure joy and happiness triumph through …

Manes – How the World Came to an End

Review — October 29, 2007

Linkin Park, by and large, are looked upon as a joke. With few exceptions, they are loved solely by young fans who really don't know any better and are unable to find any other kind of "heavy" music at their local Wal-Mart in Smalltown, U.S.A. What does Linkin Park have …