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Reviews by Cheryl-prime

178 total search results — Page 4 of 9

Nine Covens – ...On The Dawning Of Light

Review — January 21, 2013

Nine Covens second release …On The Dawning of Light is a raging follow up to their debut that’s full of extremity and shades of melody alike. The furiously enigmatic group – no names, or indeed, faces – prefer to step back from the spotlight in order to let their music …

Sonance – Like Ghosts

Review — February 4, 2013

Like Ghosts is the debut from Bristol based Sonance, a band so disgustingly heavy that they are currently drowning the car alarm that's been going off in my street for the past half hour. Writhing with sickness and masses of doomed out symphony, Sonance curl around the psyche with a …

Snailking – Samsara

Review — February 19, 2013

If you're going to name your band after a record by one of your genres chosen greats, then you better have the musical balls to back it up. And damn, do Snailking back it up. Taking their name from Ufomammut's second album, Snailking tread in their path whilst building …

Ancient Wisdom – Deathlike

Review — March 4, 2013

A lot has been said about Ancient VVisdom, not all of it positive, and for many just letting the music do the talking isn’t enough. Heck, it should be more than enough, because Ancient VVisdom’s second shot at the full length is a deadly and distressing thing of beauty. …

Deathstench – Massed In Black Shadow

Review — March 19, 2013

Massed In Black Shadow is a fifty minute swirling vortex of harsh sound and painful noise imbued with a seething wretchedness that creeps and boils with a deeply unsettling pace. The duo that comprise this project are often found contributing to a multitude of other dirty and rotten bands, …

Woe – Withdrawal

Review — April 22, 2013

Having began life as a one-man project borne from the mind of Chris Grigg, Woe’s motive was one of total aggression and pure hate and signified a time when American black metal was only just starting to find its feet within the darker realms of the musical sphere. With A …

Soror Dolorosa – No More Heroes

Review — April 30, 2013

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, and France’s Soror Dolorosa, in choosing to name their sophomore record after a Stranglers album (due to a badge depicting the album appearing on a jacket used for the cover art) manage to wear their hearts on their leather …

Altar Of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury

Review — May 6, 2013

Often an album comes along that defies all genre constraints and challenges your own perception on life and reality. Sometimes that album makes you delve deep within the self and question your own outlooks. Teethed Glory and Injury is that album. And oh, how it ravages your being.With  …

HIM – Tears On Tape

Review — May 6, 2013

HIM have been kicking about on the rock ‘n’ roll scene for as long as most of their fans have been alive, a terrifying thought in itself, and anything we needed to say about their love metal outlook or their relevance to the world of music in the 21st Century …

October Falls – The Plague of a Coming Age

Review — May 28, 2013

Starting life as a one-man instrumental outfit by M.Lehto in 2001, October Falls soon began to incorporate other members as well as a more metallic approach to the black metal genre and in 2007 The Streams of the End signalled a huge step for the band in terms of musical …

Deafheaven – Sunbather

Review — June 17, 2013

If there was ever an album to challenge Altar of Plagues recent Teethed Injury and Glory for most divisive black metal record of the year, then Deafheaven’s sophomore effort Sunbather is surely the strongest challenger. The band split opinion in almost every circle – black metal fans, shoegaze …

Liar In Wait – Translations Of The Lost

Review — June 24, 2013

A cold wave/goth group made up of members of dark, black, sludgy metal bands? Huh? Sounds wild right? But hey, don't knock 'til you've tried it! Because Liar In Wait are absolutely the gloomiest band around right now that aren't French maestros Soror Dolorosa and you probably (definitely) should be …

Mothlite – Dark Age

Review — July 1, 2013

Mothlite's Daniel O'Sullivan has spent his time away from his personal project collaborating with some of the world's most well known post-progressive acts. Ulver, Æthenor, Guapo and Grumbling Fur are but a few of the groups O'Sullivan has somehow found time to participate in but Mothlite is his …

Horna – Askel lähempänä Saatanaa

Review — July 1, 2013

Replacing a vocalist is always a huge ordeal and turning point for a band, particularly when needing to do to it for a third time as Horna found themselves in the process of during 2009 when Corvus left his duties at the mic stand behind to concentrate on his other …

Arckanum – Fenris Kindir

Review — July 23, 2013

Swedish black metal entity Arckanum - led by Shamaatae – have been a constant presence on the chaos-driven scene since the band’s early 90s inception and their material is as prolific as it is devastatingly weird and wonderful. Arckanum have always been a little, well, bonkers, and Fenris Kindir  …

The Body – Master, We Perish

Review — August 12, 2013

The Body are, for want of a better phrase, absolutely fucking bonkers. From the trippy All the Waters of the Earth Shall Turn to Blood to the disturbing video for the track “The Ebb and Flow of Tides in a Sea of Ash” (don’t click that link if you’re …

Caïna – Litanies of Abjection

Review — September 9, 2013

Litanies Of Abjection isn't your standard Caïna release. It isn't what you expect and it certainly isn't a black metal record. It's something new, different and it's also incredibly personal and as such a terrifying and oppressive listen. For those who have followed the musical career of Andrew Curtis-Brignell, the …

A.M.S.G. – Anti-Cosmic Tyranny

Review — November 5, 2013

The history of A.M.S.G. (or Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam, or For The Greater Glory Of Satan) is one that is filled with darkness and the actions of vocalist/guitarist Angelfukk Witchhammer are dubious to say the least (Mr. Witchhammer has spent some time in prison and wrote this album during a …

Seagraves – Weight of the World

Review — November 11, 2013

It turns out that in the time I decided to write about this record (approx one million months ago*) and actually writing about this record, that Seagraves have chosen to call time on the band. Which is a massive shame because Weight of the World is really great and I …

AFI – Burials

Review — November 19, 2013

As a zine built on the foundation of loving AFI, it would clearly be remiss not to talk about their new record. We try to pretend that Decemberunderground and Crash Love never happened - the first rule of AFI fandom is.... - but it would be silly to …