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Reviews by Bob

506 total search results — Page 19 of 26

Jesuit – Discography

Review — August 1, 2011

Jesuit is the kind of band that your older brother (I would say sister, but women should hate this band now just like they did back then… for more information get a physical copy of this and read the ridiculously humorous liner notes) shows you when he catches you listening …

Cremation Lily – Untitled

Review — August 15, 2011

Bar none, I have never heard a more wondrous take on the violence of Power Electronics than the Untitled (which came in an extremely limited cassette run from the label Strange Rules) debut from Cremation Lily (a mysterious act from the British Isles). Without getting into the reasons or “how …

Sequences & Isolated Existence – Graminaea / Poaceae

Review — August 22, 2011

Graminaea / Poaceae is one of those releases that I love but have an extremely difficult time explaining just what draws me to the release over and over again other than that I find all three pieces rather soothing in a creepy sort of way (of course as with any …

Locrian & Horseback – New Dominions Split

Review — September 1, 2011

This collaboration between Horseback and Locrian was a hotly anticipated one in several musical circles (particular if you were a fan of either outfit prior to hearing of this release), and the prospects of what these two projects might create together induced some mind blowing (think the head explosion scene …

Livimorket & Sequences – Voidness

Review — September 12, 2011

Do you know why I find collaborative efforts so appealing in musical and other such sonic arenas (besides that they signal more work by artists that I follow / collect / obsess over)? There is an element of wonder and anticipation surrounding what exactly the final work will sound like …

Sutekh Hexen – Ordo Adversarial

Review — September 19, 2011

Sutekh Hexen, the name alone has an undeniable air of mystery and darkness that while you may not know exactly what they sound like at this minute but whatever that sound is, you feel in the darkest recesses of your subconscious something telling you to stay away from it; and …

Gehenna – Land Of Sodom II/Upon The Gravehill

Review — September 19, 2011

Before we get into this, there is always the question that you have to ask yourself; and, with Gehenna, it is a wholly legitimate question that will in a very real sense determine your take on bands or music such as this because, truthfully, this is some of the dirtiest …

Witch-Lord – Atomized In The Black Solarian

Review — September 26, 2011

All hail the Cult of the Seven Crowns! Witch-Lord is one of a number of destructive musical forces that is just one head of the hydra meant to smash the world into oblivion, and the difference between those other groups (Gehenna, Gravehill, and others) is massive and …

Wreck and Reference – Black Cassette

Review — October 10, 2011

I’ll say this, Black Cassette from Wreck And Reference is good, real good; in fact, this debut has a bunch of people really going out of their way praising this “record” (OK, OK I know this is either on cassette tape or CD but stop hassling me and just listen …

Planning For Burial – Late Twenties Blues

Review — October 10, 2011

Alright laugh all you want at my horrid addictions, but until you plunge into Late Twenties Blues yourself, you will not have the faintest idea why this tape is on its fourteenth spin already today in my tape deck (not kidding, I am going to have to get another copy …

Celestiial – Desolate North (Re-Issue)

Review — October 17, 2011

Allow me to be quite frank with this one, please; if you do not own the vinyl release of Desolate North from Celestiial (no that is not a typo) that Handmade Birds put out, than my friend, you are doing it all wrong because this record is a singularly beautiful …

Tom Waits – Bad As me

Review — October 24, 2011

How many national music treasures come from the United States? You know those ones that are still alive that you can point to and say that our musical culture would be less without their contribution, and I mean, yeah, there is Bob Dylan, possibly the Boss, Iggy Pop; …

Giles Corey – Self Titled

Review — October 24, 2011

People say that the best works of art are born of intense pain and immense suffering and history proves this out to some extent (without getting into some existential debate with myself over the validity of the statement, it serves the purposes of this little pseudo repartee); now, Giles Corey …

A Death Cinematic – Your Fate Twisting, Epic In Its Crushing Moments

Review — October 31, 2011

Ah, another offering from A Death Cinematic in the form of an “EP” (I put this in quotes because it plays longer than some LPs by some bands) entitled Your Fate Twisting In Its Crushing Moments; and just as with previous releases, this comes with some of the most …

Kodiak – Self Titled (Collection)

Review — November 7, 2011

Even in this so-called digital age of information where anyone can have anything delivered right to their mobile phones in the blink of an eye, there are still moments where items, music, movies from outside of your physical domain slip by completely unnoticed; and, quite frankly, this whole circumstance is …

Cremation Lily – 2

Review — November 21, 2011

Bear with me here as I am in the middle of sonically orgasming while listening to this tape from Cremation Lily (the aptly titled 2 as this is the second tape from this project); no seriously, I am not overly hyperbolizing right now because these sounds literally elicit this kind …

Psychic Teens – TEEN

Review — November 21, 2011

“Psychic Teens Are Regular Adults”Let that sink in to your thick skull bit (I know it took me a bit to wrap my head around) because it is one of the singular strangest statements to be made by a “rock” oriented band in many a year; think about it, …

Seven Sisters Of Sleep/Children Of God – Split

Review — November 28, 2011

Dear lord is this ever one of the heaviest split records in quite a while, and I am sure that I don’t have to explain how that is saying something; but both bands on this could wreck your speakers on their own anytime so having them both on one slab …

A Death Cinematic / Ekca Liena – Preternatural

Review — November 28, 2011

Don’t you just absolutely love when split releases reveal some new band or musician that completely changes how you listen to certain types of music or even just end up being what you need to listen to at the moment that you sit down and listen to it? Luckily for …

Locrian – The Clearing

Review — December 5, 2011

OK, so I finally get to sit down with album number four (or three depending on who you ask) from Locrian and not because I did not want to listen to this sucker; but rather I waited and waited to hear this spin on my turntable first until at last …