Ween. What the fuck is Ween? I sure don't know. If someone asked me to tell them about Ween, I would probably rub jelly on my testicles and do a handstand whilst eating Captain Crunch Cereal Bars . This band is fucked up. Not fucked up like retarded midgets playing Frisbee in a pool of peanut butter, but more fucked … Read more
Note:If you need to really know how I feel about Ween as a band, please refer to my review on of their CD Quebec, on this very website. My other review contained a small bit on a time when I experienced Ween live. I have seen them again since, and considering this is a live DVD/CD package, I find it … Read more
If you don't know Ween at this point, it's difficult to sum them up in a few words. Eclectic, genre hopping, and parody come to mind, but they don't adequately explain the band and their dedicated cult following. The duo of Gene and Dean formed Ween in 1984. La Cucaracha is the band's tenth full-length studio release, in addition to … Read more
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