Comprised by members of great acts such as Kayo Dot, Dysrhythmia, Gorguts and While Heaven Wept, Vaura find themselves in a strange territory. Somewhere between post-punk, darkwave and black metal, they unleash their second full-length, entitled The Missing. And just about a year after their debut album, Selenelion. The title track is introducing the band in the most suitable manner. … Read more
Vaura is an interesting act for multiple reasons. Firstly it is the brainchild of four incredible musicians in Joshua Strawn of experimetal, dark pop explorers Azar Swan, Kevin Hufnagel of technical death metal beast Gorguts, Toby Driver of elusive post-everything act Kayo Dot and Charlie Schmid, previously of extreme avant-metallists Tombs. What is even more intriguing however is that Vaura … Read more
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