TV Moms
Buzz Mallory

Independent (2021) Ian Vanek

TV Moms – Buzz Mallory cover artwork
TV Moms – Buzz Mallory — Independent, 2021

The best band names are unique but not hard to remember. Funny, apropos or fierce, depending on the group’s take. Something somebody somewhere can proudly wear on a shirt, a patch or a pin. Something a new fan can easily tell a friend and then search on the internet. TV Moms did not ace these tests in my opinion. They’re absolutely unsearchable without the word band in title. This is going to make finding information about this Minneapolis duo very difficult in the future. But that’s more of a personal issue than an actual review of this “guy-guy” rock band who seem to actually play a lot of live shows. So they have that going on…

Distorted “grunge” rock music featuring heavy chorus effect on a Jaguar guitar, a drummer name Dave, bass over-dubs and nasal heavy vocals. This band is begging anyone who’ll listen to compare them to their heroes. But that feels a bit weird, so I won’t do it. I will however say that if your band is a carbon copy of a band from 1989 you should rethink your approach. The song titles, artwork and member’s appearance are all similar to something that topped the charts in the 90’s. Familiarity abounds, from the hidden track on this CD to the cheeky song titles like “Buzz Hut” and “Axe Ray Body Spray.”

Let be as clear as possible, there is nothing wrong with this band, it’s me. They play songs on time and in key. They even get to moments of experimental interest now and then. I’m just not seeking ANY band again twenty years later. Much-less the copies their vibe ran off. Nostalgia is the enemy of good art in my eyes. TV Moms are on some weird shit, they honestly just remade a band with slightly different words and one less member. Making me think this might be some kind of inside joke.

Listening to this CD cover to cover brought up a lot of strange thoughts. Like what if the 27 club had never existed? In service of enduring forty more years of poems by Jean Genet, would the world change? What if the guy who sang “Light My Fire” was better known for doing fire place commercials? Would we still mimic these aging minstrels past works? Is what makes them interesting their death wishes? I’m left with a lot of questions after listening to this entire CD.

TV Moms – Buzz Mallory cover artwork
TV Moms – Buzz Mallory — Independent, 2021


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