Hailing from Louisiana, it's not a surprise that Thou offer up grimy metal/doom on Tyrant. With fellow bruisers like Eyehategod, Crowbar, and Down before them, Thou take the southern metal sound and make it their own, thanks to a varied field of influences. The title-track leads off and immediately the listener is consumed with slow bludgeoning riffs and down-tempo rhythms … Read more
Thou, in this particular rendition, throw down great song thud after thud, right on the table, while permeating a delicate scent through their carefully constructed EP, Rhea Sylvia. Each song is a steamy dish, smelling like Tool, Starkweather, and Isis mishmashed together. The vocals have a Maynardish-Alice In Chains chest voice, a Starkweather scream, and a shimmering lead guitar tone. … Read more
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