This Door to Remain Closed During Work Hours sounds like a jam band who shows their metal influences every once in a while. The repetition of a jam band is there, but there's no soloing. In that case, I'll just call it boring music. Achieve Albeit an Absence could also be an attempt at post-rock; it turned out too mellow and too slow. There are pretty melodic parts, I'll give them that, but the music rarely changes during a song. All but one of the six songs is over ten minutes. I expected epic tracks when I saw the song lengths but I was let down instead. This Door To Remain Closed During Work Hours reminds me of a local band from Anywhere, USA that never quite makes it out of local venues and never quite exceeds a fan base of close friends. It sounds like they recorded Achieve Albeit an Absence in one take and didn't care about its sloppiness.