The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower are a daring young band from California. The band comes together in a whirlwind of jazz, hardcore, and indie. Noisy guitars, jazzy saxophones, and vocals on the edge of screaming make up the Plot's signature sound. I had been anticipating this album a great deal, and I was anything but disappointing. They delivered everything I expected them to, and leave me wanting to hear more, and incredibly excited to hear what this band is going to do next. Songs like 'One Stab Deserves Another' and 'For Marcus' are some of the best off of 'Dissertation, Honey', and encompass their sound quite well. If you are a fan of the Swing Kids, the Blood Brothers, or Refused, you absolutely have to check out this band, you could be missing out on a new favorite. Even if you hate the bands I just mentioned, give the Plot a listen, they're definitely worth your time.