Now, I can't claim to know much about this band. I don't know what they are ex-members of or where they're from, but I do know this... this record bored me to no end. It kicks off kind of promising, actually. The opening track, "Heart Attack American", starts off with hushed guitar and drums, and then just explodes into a … Read more
The Bronx are a loud rock-n-roll band. Their first album was bruising and hectic, but their second album toned it down a tad with more melody and relaxing tempos. More than one coked-up kid probably complained of the change, slight as it was, and cried sellout. "Where'd all the punk go?" Well kid, now that The Bronx are free from … Read more
When we last left The Bronx, they were masquerading as their alter ego with the release of a second album under the Mariachi El Bronx moniker. This second helping of mariachi-style tunes confirmed that the venture was far from a gimmick. It also gave the band an opportunity to embrace their obvious love for the more melodious side of music. … Read more
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