The possible hermits of Son Of Man have returned after their all too brief burner of a debut the band has reconvened for something even more nasty and dark. With the release of a new EP on a new label they have managed to up the ante overall. While the most basic of core values remain the band have inserted new sounds into the blackened mix of hardcore and metal.
The riffs remain catchy without taking away from the overall atmosphere of the songs instead helping the songs vault from merely serviceable to giving them hooks and more power to the solos within. "Child Of The Morning Star" is not only a great opener but also emblematic of the band's sound and attitude. "Chiroptophobia" speeds things up drastically while allowing a more discordant lead riff to permeate; giving a further sense of uneasiness before slowing down the proceedings and covering everything a dark feeling.
Side 2 begins with an absolute rager. Sparing nary a second for subtlety the band blazes through the song with unrelenting brutality. The title track rounds things out by basing the song itself on classic tremolo riffing and including them within the band's initial metalcore framework. This allows the band to go out with a bang and leaving the listener wanting more.
This is further proof that metalcore can be something more creative and substantial than a bunch of chug riffs and some angry suburbanite complaining. This is something worth ones attention for certain.