Most demos you hear today can be put into two categories. The first is a bunch of fifteen year old kids recording painfully generic hardcore/metalcore in their parents' garage with terrible sound quality coming from Nowheretown, USA, desperately looking for your Myspace add. The second is usually a lineup littered with current and ex-members of prominent older bands and the … Read more
Amalgamation II compiles together the three self-released cassette recordings from Skin Like Iron. These recordings were originally released separate from each other beginning last year; they were ultimately brought together in a limited edition cassette box set before the good people at Free Cake Records saw fit to offer them up in CD format. The first nine tracks are culled … Read more
I can't help but wonder what the music world would be like without experimentation. Sure, the first to try something different is often shunned, but their willingness to try something different is what makes them so great. While perhaps not a genre-defining move, the direction that Skin Like Iron have taken with their music is one breath of fresh air … Read more
Never wasting a moment, the Bay Area's Skin Like Iron has brought forth yet another new recording with this seven-track 12" EP. All Human Failings is another blast of gritty, raw, and noisy hardcore punk from one of the genre's top bands. They didn't leave much room for improvement with their last go-around, but that doesn't seem to stop them … Read more
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