I often wonder how musicians reach the point in their lives where they want to make a change in their musical endeavors. Perhaps they no longer find the frantic and chaotic world of hardcore/punk interesting. Maybe they have been screaming and breaking shit on stage for so long that they no longer know what they're angry about. For whatever reasons they may be, some musicians choose to leave behind that world and venture down different and more docile musical paths. In the case of Renee Heartfelt, the members have left behind their previous ventures for the world of space-rock and post-hardcore.
Following a brief intro track, Death of the Ghost hits with the back-to-back songs "Gratitude, (For)" and "(Is Forever)." These song makes use of thick but not overbearing basslines, both crisp riffs and interweaving guitar melodies, and driving drums in a sound that is reminiscent of Failure's Magnified and Handsome. Peter Appleby's dulcet vocals further add to the already dynamic and layered music.
As the album unfolds we are treated to some truly excellent songs that further delve into the world of melodic rock; "Misanthropes," "Control," and "Hollow" are among the best and bring to mind Samiam. Some of the others had the potential to join their ranks, though they seemed to end rather abruptly with fade-outs, almost as if the band couldn't figure how to finish them.
Renee Heartfelt demonstrates their diversity on the track "Slow Down" as the majority of the song is striped down to an acoustic guitar, a piano, and Appleby's tender harmonies - though the song does return to typical form as it closes out in rock fashion. "Rush" also makes use of an acoustic guitar, though it is extremely brief at the beginning and end of the song. That is one aspect of Renee Heartfelt's sound that I'd like to see them expand upon in the future.
If you're one of those types that mainly listens to heavier music but are beginning to get bored, I suggest you check out Renee Heartfelt as well as the bands that have a direct influence on them. And if you're already a fan of bands like Quicksand and Jawbox (or any of the above bands) but were previously unaware of Renee Heartfelt existence, I hope you pick up Death of the Ghost as well as their previous EP.